Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Daily News - June 20

Daily News - June 20

Election of Assistants, Ordinances, Orientations, Video, Photos

On the 19th June the day began with Faith Sharing in base groups at 8.45 a.m. Immediately after this, voting took place for revision of the Constitutions.

The delegates spent the first part of the day in small groups studying and discussing the new draft of the Ordinances prepared by the General Team. In the afternoon the groups presented the work on the effective means for implementation of the Orientations at the personal, community, Province and Congregation levels. For the benefit of all the delegates the matter was displayed on boards in four different languages.

The two General Assistants were elected on the 20th JUNE after the Faith Sharing in base groups. Thereafter, the delegates carried on with the work on the Ordinances and other proposals.

The newly elected General Assistants are :

  1. Sister MATILDE FANECA – First Assistant General
  2. Sister AGNES THEVENIN – Second Assistant General

At 5 p.m. the delegates gathered in front of the main Chapel for a photo session and this was followed by the Eucharistic Celebration. After dinner, at 8.30 p.m. a short festive program was organised in the Grande Salle to thank the outgoing and the newly elected General team members.

Looking to the past with gratitude the delegates appreciated the contribution made to the Congregation by the outgoing team members and wished the new team members the grace to embrace in FAITH the calls of the present and the future with PASSION and HOPE according to the movement of the Spirit that had unfolded in the General Chapter – 2018.

Hello, Bonjour, Olá, Hola

General Chapter Group

Sister Clare with Sister Matilde (First Assistant) and Sister Agnès (Second Assistant)

General Council

General council with Bursar and General Secretary

Sister Clare with Sisters from Africa

Sister Clare with Sisters from the Americas

Sister Clare with Sisters from Europe

Sister Clare with Sisters from India

Sister Clare with Sisters from the Pacific

More photos on CLUNY FLICKR

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