Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny


Throughout the country, including the islands of Madeira and the Azores, the Sisters and lay people who share the same charism, announce the Good News and are a presence of the tenderness of God.

  • 20 communities
  • 181 sisters
  • Founded in 1881

The sisters help to liberate and promote human dignity, among all those to whom they are sent:

  • hosting small children in the centers of social solidarity
  • hosting adolescents and young people in schools
  • in parishes that don’t have priests
  • in welcoming sisters, associates and lay people for retreats and formation;
  • in the care of our elderly and sick sisters
  • supporting families in need by collecting food and working against hunger with the Food Bank
  • in a suburb of Lisbon through the presence of a small community of Sisters

"... That they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jo.10, 10)

Contact information:
  • Email: cluny.provincial at
  • Address: Av. Beato Nuno, 272, 2495-401 Fátima, Portugal
  • Telephone: +249 530 250

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