Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          24 Juniors of Saint Joseph of Cluny in Chamblanc and Cluny

24 Juniors of Saint Joseph of Cluny in Chamblanc and Cluny

From the 25th of July until the 6th of August, the group of Junior sisters who were preparing for their perpetual vows, took time to discover the congregation’s sources and to make an Ignatian retreat.

Each day spent at the ‘sources’ was an intense and emotional experience for the sisters …

  • discovering the places of their founder’s life and call
  • meeting our older sisters in Cluny, true missionary women sparkling with faith
  • being in Cluny, the first Mother House of the congregation
  • experiencing a number of celebrations in Chamblanc
  • praying in the church in Chamblanc
  • going to the forest of memory

These events have left a lasting mark on their spirits and stretched their perspective.

The retreat, given by Father Paul ROYET and assisted by Gabrielle, a lay spiritual director, was a moment of grace. Unanimously, the juniors mentioned how the requirements of St Ignatius exercises, silence and accompaniment, had been fruitful and an important step in their future commitment being forever.

The incredible preparedness and availability of our sisters, associates and friends needs to be mentioned. They served the group with incredible sensitivity and attention !

For ALL, thank you !

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