Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
      3rd December -The feast of Saint Francis Xavier

3rd December -The feast of Saint Francis Xavier

Patron Saint of Sisters of Saint Joseph the Cluny

Born in Navarre April 7, 1506, St. Frances Xavier died on the Island of Sancian near the coast of China December 3, 1552. He was one of the first members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). St. Ignatius sent him to evangelize India in 1541. He lived out his life bringing the gospel to the peoples of India and Japan. It is truly amazing that one man in the short span of ten years (May 6, 1542 – December 3, 1552) could have visited so many countries, crossed so many seas, preached the Gospel to so many nations, and moved so many people to embrace the Gospel. His zeal for proclaiming the Word has never been matched.

considered to be the greatest missionary since the time of the Apostles, was a stimulating model for the missionary zeal shown by Anne-Marie Javouhey and her daughters, and consequently became a patron saint of the congregation. Francis Xavier was canonized with St. Ignatius on 12/03/1622. The Church celebrates his life on December 3.

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