June 2 – 9
Retreat in English for the 8 Junior sisters from India who are on mission for 2 years at the Mother House, Antony, Thiais, and Spain and 1 Junior sister from the French Pacific studying in Paris.
June 7 – 20
A group of 52 sisters from India and one sister from Ireland will participate in a ‘Pilgrimage to the Sources’ which will include the Mother House in PARIS, along with the towns of CHAMBLANC and CLUNY where the congregation has its roots.
June 20 – 30
The entire General Council will be together for these 10 days for meeting / planning.
July 2 – 28
A group of 12 sisters representing the Provinces of SPAIN, PERU/CUBA, and PARAGUAY/ARGENTINA will take part in ‘A Pilgrimage to the Sources’. It will include time at the Mother House, a retreat from the 5th to the 13th of July, and as always, a visit to the areas of Chamblanc and Cluny ... including Jallanges, Seurre and Souvans … truly, the ‘cradle’ of the congregation.
July 4 – Aug. 30
10 French speaking Junior sisters representing the Provinces of CENTRAL AFRICA, MADAGASCAR and SENEGAL / NIGER-BURKINA-TOGO will be at the Mother House to do their preparation for perpetual vows. This session will include a ‘Pilgrimage to the Sources’ and a retreat at Cluny given by Père Georges Auduc, well known throughout the congregation.
Aug 1 – Aug 14
The General Council will host a “Formation Session” for sisters throughout the congregation involved in the formation of novices and junior sisters.