Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Anne-Marie Javouhey, now available in bookstores

Anne-Marie Javouhey, now available in bookstores

The Province of Portugal has just launched two books : the Portuguese version of "Anne Marie Javouhey, Apostle with a Heart of Fire" by Father Georges Auduc, and "The Daring Missionary, Anne-Marie Javouhey," written by Sister Maria do Rosário Silva.

Anne-Marie Javouhey, now available in bookstores

The Province of Portugal has just launched two books : the Portuguese version of "Anne Marie Javouhey, Apostle with a Heart of Fire" by Father Georges Auduc, and "The Daring Missionary, Anne-Marie Javouhey," written by Sister Maria do Rosário Silva, in order to make the Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny, Anne-Marie Javouhey, better known. The books were published by PAULUS and are on sale in several bookshops.

"Anne Marie Javouhey, Apostle with a Heart of Fire"

Around 3 pm on 13th July, in the large reception room of the Provincialate in Fatima, the book "Anne Marie Javouhey, Apostle with a Heart of Fire" by Father George AUDUC was launched in Portuguese translation. After a short, highly appreciated few words by the editor, Brother Tiago, Professor Artur Bessa, a Saint Joseph of Cluny associate, made the presentation speech for the book, highlighting the extraordinary life of our foundress, who was always urged on by her heart which knew no boundries. At the end of this session, our Provincial, Sister Maria de Fátima Machado, thanked the publisher, the presenter and all the people present, inviting them to sing : "You Still speak to our hearts to-day, O Blessed Anne Marie”. This was a good opportunity to deepen our Cluny family ties.

"The Daring Missionary, Anne Marie Javouhey"

A group of representatives of parents, Associates, Sisters and teachers from several of our houses gathered at 3:00 pm on October 30th in the auditorium of our Rainha Santa Isabel School in Coimbra for the launch of a new book, ‘The Daring Missionary, Anne Marie Javouhey’, written by one of our own Sisters, Sister Maria do Rosário Silva. After our provincial’s words of welcome, the editor made some warm comments, which were followed by the enthusiastic speech of the associate professor and associate João Oliveira who presented the work and the author, Sister Marie Rosário. With a heart full of gratitude and emotion Sister traced out the personality of our foundress : the daring missionary who lived attentive to the voice of God. After listening to two piano pieces, beautifully played by the son of one of the teachers, and then to the song "You Still speak to our hearts to-day, O Blessed Anne Marie", the signing session continued in an atmosphere of great joy.

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