Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
        Bibliography of Anne-Marie Javouhey

Bibliography of Anne-Marie Javouhey

There are numerous books written on the life of Anne-Marie Javouhey.
Following are some of those that have been published in English.

Letters of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey : Foundress and Superior General of the congregation of Saint Joseph of Cluny, Volumes 1-5

Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, Foundress of the congregation of St. Joseph of Cluny, 1779-1851. DELAPLACE, Père Francis Jean-Baptiste. Revised edition by Father Ph, KIEFFER, CSsp, (1979) Volumes 1-2

The Woman God Loved - The Life of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, KITTLER, Glenn D. Garden City, NY : Hanover House, 1959

A Little Good : The Life of Blessed Anne-Maria Javouhey, Foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, MOORE, Brian (S.J.). Melbourne, Polding Press, 1st ed., 1982.

Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey : A Story of Courage and Determination, CRAMBLIT, Joella Zillig. Northfield, IL, Mary Joseph Press, 1995

A Way to Holiness in the Church The Spirituality of Anne-Marie Javouhey, by Sister Marie-Suzelle GERARD, SJC ; Translated by Sister Joan Ryan, SJC, 2006

Comic Books :

Go Out to the Whole World Tell of the Wonders of His Love : Anne-Marie Javouhey Foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny ; by the congregation with Alain d’Orange and Gibert Clarey

The Wonderful Story of a great missionary Anne-Marie Javouhey, by Agnes Richomme ; Pondicherry, India

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