7 communities
38 sisters
Founded in 1886
4 communities
14 sisters
Founded in 1995
2 communities
8 sisters
Founded in 1966
Our mission is "to proclaim Jesus Christ" while combatting all that enslaves someone and keeps them far from Christ. This mission is lived through our ministries of education, care of the sick, the empowerment of young unwed mothers and women in general and especially through the catechetical ministries.
Congo: We carry out our mission within the single "Javouhey" school complex beginning with pre-kindergarten (2 years) and ending at the college level: 2600 male and female students. During the school year of 2015 we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the restoration of the complex with financial aid from the government.
In the suburbs of Brazzaville we have a day school in Massengo where we welcome 240 students in the Primary and Middle school.
In Gabon: We run two schools: a kindergarten through primary school in Moanda with 600 students and a nursery and primary school in Libreville which has 270 students. In 2016 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters in Moanda. The Sisters are also very actively involved in pastoral ministry and accompany many existing parish groups.
In Cameroon: We have 2 primary schools and a kindergarten in Fignole and N’Dingtiré in North Cameroon. In Kaigama the ‘Agriculture School’ trains thirty young people in agriculture, livestock etc.
Visit the ‘Agriculture School’ at Kaigama, Cameroon by clicking on the link
The children are very happy in our schools as you can see in the photos below.
In the field of health care the buildings are in poor shape:
In Congo: The hospital in Linzolo was destroyed in large part by successive wars but the Congregation gradually rebuilt it with help from the government.
In Pointe-Noire, a brand new clinic welcomes patients including women with children every day of the week.
In northern Cameroon: There are two clinics, one in Fignole and the other in Ndingtiré working to detect leprosy and take care of AIDS patients.
Unwed mothers have long been the concern of the Sisters of Brazzaville. They created "Movement for Life" which brings women in difficulty together, to educate and train them how to take care of their home and “earn their living honestly” to better their lives.
Contact Information:
- Website :
- Email : vprovincecongo at
- Address : B.P. 2496, Brazzaville, Congo
- Telephone : + 00242 0576 535 71