Missionary Disciples for a New World
On 23rd January 2021, our Sisters in Papua New Guinea (PNG) will celebrate 50 years of Cluny Presence in PNG. Following are some excerpts from the 50th Anniversary Magazine followed by a PDF copy of the magazine in its entirety.
Excerpt of the Superior General’s message
… God brought you to a place where there was, and still is, “a little good” to be done. We give thanks that for 50 years this same God guided and supported you, beginning in Kanabea, then in Bema and most recently, in Port Moresby, allowing you to share the good news in this corner of the world.
I wish you every blessing as you take the time to reflect on and celebrate the past fifty years with the people you have been called to serve. May our loving God keep your hearts open to the call of the Spirit into the future.
Excerpt of the Regional Leader’s message
… On the occasion of the 50 years of our presence in the country, in this golden jubilee year, we the Cluny Sisters wish to celebrate our spiritual fellowship and deep human experience that we shared with the Kamea people and the people of Port Moresby. The spirit and charism of our religious congregation come from the apostolic tradition to ‘liberate and empower all persons and the whole person’.
Our Foundress, Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, who worked for the emancipation of slaves in the 19th century, is our guiding force for the mission. Our pioneers from Melbourne arrived in the Gulf Province in 1971 and began the ministry of education and health and it continues up to this day.
… I think of myself as a missionary called and sent to this beautiful country of Papua New Guinea. May God continue to bless this country and its people!
Excerpt of the Bishop of Kerema’s message
… Fifty years ago with humble beginnings, the Cluny sisters started their presence and work at Kanabea Catholic Station in Kerema Diocese. It was a very courageous and heroic decision that they have taken. Now, as we celebrate their Golden anniversary of missionary presence in this country, we recognize the Grace of God working through our Cluny sisters. With rich history, they truly are the embodiment of God’s loving and faithful Presence.
On behalf of Kerema Diocese, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to the Cluny sisters. We truly value their precious contribution in the development and evangelization of our people. I believe that despite the great challenges, sometimes even with frustrations, they remain to witness His Loving Presence and Fidelity to God’s flock. I have personally worked closely with some of them and I can attest to their simplicity, dedication and boldness to reach out to the people. …
Magazine Contents