Looking to the past with gratitude, living the present with passion and embracing the future with hope, as Pope Francis has asked us to do, we are :
- sisters with a missionary call
- rooted in prayer
- gathered together in community
- attentive to the cries of today’s world
- with total availability for the mission
- inserted into the local context
- while remaining open to the world
Consecrated life

Our religious consecration is a further expression of our baptismal call. It enables us to participate in a special way in the life of the Church. It is a constantly renewed response to God’s ever-faithful love.
Profession of vows
The profession of the vows of religious obedience, consecrated chastity and evangelical poverty, binds us more intimately to Christ. It is a response to a call that brings us face to face with the demands of a life animated by the spirit and joy of the beatitudes.
Community Life

Our consecration places us in a community gathered together in answer to a common missionary call.
We share our joys and difficulties and together we seek to discern the calls of the Holy Spirit, interpret the signs of the times and respond to them as best we can.
Prayer Life

In our prayer life, we allow ourselves to be possessed and transformed by Christ, so that through us He may radiate His love for God. Rooted in prayer, we are contemplatives in action, celebrating and nurturing our relation with God each day.