Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Daily News - June 12

Daily News - June 12

Discernment for elections 1 : “Once again, we are concentrating on listening to the Holy Spirit while counting on your prayers.”

A week of Discernment : "Prayerful listening to the Holy Spirit and to our world in the process of emerging”

Sunday, June 10 was a day of rest and relaxation : A group of 60 sisters made a pilgrimage to Lisieux, and some went to visit our older sisters in Cluny or the community of Quincampoix.

On Monday, June 11, after the faith sharing, we voted on the minutes of May 20, 21 and 22. Following this, we started our communal discernment with a view to preparing for the elections. This process will continue until Thursday.

Once again, we are concentrating on listening to the Holy Spirit while counting on your prayers.

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