The day began with "Faith Sharing" at 8.45 a.m. in small groups. This was followed by the round table discussion with the sisters from the provinces of Europe, North America and St Pierre & Miquelon. Listening to each Province / Vice-Province / Region was a time of great discovery and enrichment. At 11.45 a.m. we celebrated Eucharist and went to lunch.
In the afternoon once again the entire campus entered into the festive mood as the sisters started visiting the different exhibits in colorful traditional dresses. We were delighted to welcome our Sisters from Cluny communities close by along with friends from elsewhere. Coming to know and experience the different apostolic and mission works of our sisters made us feel the cor unum (unity of minds and hearts) within our Cluny diversity.
The Mission Festival of the different Provinces / Vice-Provinces / Region continued through Monday when it was officially closed with a special celebration of Eucharist at the end of the day.