Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Daily News - June 5

Daily News - June 5


Orientations 1 : The day was set aside for “Casting the nets" that is “establishing priorities." TEXT and PHOTOS

The day was set aside for “Casting the nets" that is “establishing priorities."

After the “Faith Sharing” we spent the morning sharing and gathering our personal insights and priorities from the materials provided for personal study until we dispersed for the Eucharist at 11:45 a.m..

In the afternoon at 2:30 p.m. we came back to the Grand Salle for table discussion in small groups and to pick up on our three main priorities in the light of preparing the orientations for the congregation for the next six years from the report prepared in the morning discussion. Each group presented its top three priorities with reasons for its choice. The groups were asked to write these priorities in four different languages on colorful papers and display the same on the boards for all to see.

We day ended with the singing of “Alleluia”.

We have time for silence and personal interiorization until we take a vote on the orientations of the Congregation for the next six years.

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