Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
      General Council Visits 2022

General Council Visits 2022

One aspect of the mission of the General Superior and the General Council is to visit the various areas of the congregation. These visits include canonical visitations (an official visit to the Province, Vice-Province or Region); preparation for perpetual vows; sessions with provincial councils or groups of sisters for various reasons; or visits to assist/support the local leadership with a particular issue. Check periodically as more visits are added and join us in praying for the success of these visits and the safety of our sisters traveling.

September 16 - October 30: Canonical Visit of the Region of Australia/Papua New Guinea

Sister Shirley Ann STEVENS is making a canonical visit of the Region of Australia / Papua New Guinea from the 16th of August to the 30th of October. For more information about this Province, click on the following link ... Region of Australia/Papua New Guinea

August 23 - December 3: Canonical Visit of the Province of South West India

Sister Teresa RAI, is making a canonical visit of the Province of South West India from the 23rd of August to the 3rd of December. For more information about this Province, click on the following link ... South West India

August 21 - September 24: Canonical Visit of the Region of Paraguay / Argentina

Sister Marie Nieves CREMADES is making a canonical visit of the Region of Paraguay / Argentina from the 21st of August to the 24th of September. For more information about this Region, click on the following link ... Region of Paraguay / Argentina

June 30 - July 30: Canonical Visit of the Region of Mozambique

Sister Maria da Conceição ADELINA is making a canonical visit of the Region of Mozambique from 30th of June to the 30th of July. For more information about this Region, click on the following link ... Region of Mozambique

June 24 - August 8: Canonical Visit to the Province of the West Indies

Sister Luciana D’ROZARIO is making a canonical visit to the Province of the West Indies from the 24th of June to the 8th of August. For more information on this Province click on the following link ... Province of the West Indies

June 23 - August 7: Canonical Visit of the Vice-Province of West Africa

Sister Teresa RAI is making a canonical visit of the Vice-Province of West Africa from the 23rd of June to the 7th of August. For more information on this Vice-Province click on the following link ... Vice-Province of West Africa

June 22 - August 9: Canonical Visit of the Vice-Province of Central Africa

Sister Marie Fatima FAYE is making a canonical visit of the Vice-Province of Central Africa from the 22nd of June to the 9th of August. For more information about this Vice-Province click on the following link ... Vice-Province of Central Africa

April 5 - May 18: Canonical Visit of the Vice-Province of Seychelles / Tanzania

Sister Luciana D’Rosario is making a canonical visit of the Vice Province of Seychelles / Tanzania from the 5th of April to the 18th of May. For more information about this Vice-Province click on the following link ... Vice-Province of Seychelles / Tanzania

May 8 - May 29: Canonical Visit of the Province of United States / Canada

Sister Ann Stevens is making a canonical visit to the Province of United States and Canada from the 8th of May to the 29th of May. For more information about this Province click on the following link ... Province of USA / Canada

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