Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
      India / North Plains (Kolkata)

India / North Plains (Kolkata)

“Nothing is lost that is done for God.” (Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey)

North Indian Plains (Kolkata)
  • 17 Communities
  • 109 sisters
  • Founded in 1861 (became a Province in 2007)

The Province of North Indian Plains is a multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic Province, living the ‘cor unum et anima una,(one heart and one soul) of the congregation in spite of the linguistic and cultural differences in the area. Blessed Anne-Marie is alive in the ministry of the sisters which reach out to almost all sections of society with a particular focus on children. Didn’t Anne-Marie see children in a vision? Yes, in almost all of the ministries,

  • formal and non-formal education,
  • pastoral ministries,
  • social and
  • health ministries,
    the sisters wholeheartedly reach out to all, but especially to women and children.

The sisters break open the Word of God through Basic Christian Communities, one of the pastoral works in the province. In the schools, the sisters witness to the values of the Gospel and inculcate the same in our non-Christian teachers, parents and students by involving them in projects that serve the neediest in the neighbourhood.

Care for the environment is one of the core values upheld in all the ministries of the Province through both awareness and hands on activities. Above all the sisters strive towards holiness through fidelity to individual and community prayers, living a life of affection and mutual forgiveness, striving to give one’s best in each of the ministries of the Province.

CLUNY YOUTUBE: North India Plains

Contact Information:
  • Website:
  • Email: clunypnip at
  • Address: Lavinia House, Kolkata 700 009, 68A, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Telephone: +91 033 23501156

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