Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
    Join our lay associates

Join our lay associates

The associates are believers who take seriously their baptismal commitment, who wish to grow in their faith and who join the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny in living the charism and spirituality of the Congregation.

Who can be an associate?

Any baptized adult, woman or man, who wishes to live the Gospel values and is attracted by the spirit and vision of Anne-Marie Javouhey.

How does someone become an Associate?

The formation to become an associate takes place over time during regular meetings with one or more Cluny sisters. It is based on

  • knowledge of Anne-Marie Javouhey, founder of the congregation
  • on putting into practice her spirituality and charism, which already lives in them
  • the history of the Congregation and its activity today

This formation is a support in deepening the associate’s understanding of the Word of God, their faith and their prayer life and to live the Gospel more fully in their daily lives and in the Church.

Associates themselves can participate in the organization of meetings and in contributing to the formation.

What is the commitment?

After a time of formation, the associate may:

  • make a specific commitment for one year, renewable
  • make a longer commitment
  • or make a definitive commitment, if the associate so requests.

People wishing to live the spirit of Anne-Marie Javouhey, without making a commitment, can join an associates group and attend meetings regularly.

At any time, the associate may withdraw without any obligation, having been enriched in his/her spiritual journey.

There is no financial obligation for either the associate or the Congregation.

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