Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          La Sainte Entreprise .. a new book to discover

La Sainte Entreprise .. a new book to discover

Madame Pascale CORNUEL, historian, has published a book (editor : ALMA) relating to portions of the life of our foundress, Anne-Marie JAVOUHEY.

Saturday October 10, a small delegation of sisters from the Mother House
went to the “Château Royal de Blois”, where, as part of their lecture series on historical events, Pascale and her publisher presented her book "La Sainte Entreprise". (The Holy Enterprise).

Throughout the book, Pascale recounts with passion, the many adventures experienced by Anne-Marie Javouhey in the immense ‘enterprise’ that was her own.

Pascale Cornuel was born in 1951. After receiving her degree in history in 1975, she taught for a few years at the University, after which she was cultural attaché at the French embassy in Bonn, and finally program manager on the ’Arte’ television channel.

It was by chance that in 1995, she discovered the village of Mana and its founder, Anne-Marie Javouhey. She then decided to make it the subject of her thesis and successfully defended it in 2012. Since then, her passion has not weakened, quite the contrary !

La Sainte Entreprise .. a new book to discover
(in French)

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