Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Mother House Welcomes Sisters for Preparation of Perpetual Vows

Mother House Welcomes Sisters for Preparation of Perpetual Vows

Each summer the Mother House welcomes a number of Junior sisters for preparation of perpetual vows. This summer is no different. From July 5 to August 30, there will be 24 sisters doing this preparation.

French speaking :
  • 1 sister from Vice-Province of the French Pacific
  • 3 sisters from the Province of Central Africa
  • 4 sisters from the Province of Haiti
  • 4 sisters from the Province of Madagascar
  • 5 sisters from Vice-Province of Senegal / Niger / Togo / Burkina Faso
Portuguese speaking :
  • 2 sisters from the Region of Mozambique
  • 5 sisters from the Province of Angola / Guinea-Bissau
The program consists of :

1) a visit to our ‘Cluny Sources’ … Chamblanc, Cluny, Souvans, Chivres, Seurre, Jallanges, Chalon.

2) the deepening of the understanding and living of the Constitutions through topics including :

  • the charism of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey
  • consecrated life and the vows
  • community life, the sacramental life
  • spirituality and mission of the Congregation
  • the challenges of consecrated life
  • the structures of the Congregation
  • a well balanced life

3) an 8 day retreat

While the program itself is important, the Cluny ‘Cor Unum’ that develops in the group is just as important. The sisters benefit from sharing their experiences, reflections, questions, challenges which all unfolds in the context of sharing their daily prayer as well. With the various cultures coming together, it is truly an experience of our Cluny ‘internationality’.

We pray for each of these sisters as they prepare for their perpetual vows and for all those at the Mother House who are making this session possible.

See photos below !

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