Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
      October 15, St. Teresa of Avila

October 15, St. Teresa of Avila

Teresa showed her many children of color saying, “These are the children God is giving you.” She told Nanette that she was to found a new congregation that would care for these children.

St. Teresa of Avila .. Patron Saint of the Congregation

Teresa was the great reformer of Carmel who worked to reestablish the Carmelite way of life as it was lived at its origins. During her lifetime, she established many reformed houses of the Order throughout Spain and, with St. John of the Cross, was also instrumental in bringing the reform to the male Carmelite Order.

Teresa is said to have appeared to the young Anne, a postulant at the Convent of Charity in Besançon, during a time of struggle to know God’s Will for her. Teresa showed her many children of color saying, “These are the children God is giving you.” She told Nanette that she was to found a new congregation that would care for these children.

The Church celebrates the feast of St. Teresa on October 15th. St. Teresa teaches us to seek God in all things and to unite contemplation and action.”

Under her protection and that of St. Marin. St. Francis Xavier and St. Peter Claver, the Congregation pursues its mission in the world in order that “the whole human race might become one people of God, form one body of Christ and be built into one temple of the Holy Spirit. ( Rule of Life, p. 15)

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