14 December, 2019 Seychelles / Tanzanie
- Sister Rachel of the Divine Mercy HUNGWI MATANDALA
27 October, 2019 Madagascar
- Sister Marie Meltine de la Sagesse RAVAONDRINA
- Sister Jeanne Odette Marie de la Croix RAZAFIARISOA
26 October, 2019 France / Switzerland / St Pierre Miquelon
- Sister Agnes Marie LE DERRIEN

19 October, 2019 West Africa
- Sister Cordou of Our Lady of the Assumption FAYE

13 October, 2019 Antilles / Guyane
- Sister Marietta MARIN

28 September, 2019 Haiti / Port-au-Prince
- Sister Augusta de l’Eucharistie ERNEST
- Sister wideline du Cœur Eucharistique LAMY
- Sister Emmanuela de l’Esprit Saint MERVIL
- Sister Manise-Marie de la Divine Miséricorde OZIRUS
- Sister Widnice du Sacré Cœur TOUSSAINT

21 September, 2019 Francophone West Africa / Dakar
- Sister Marie Claire de la Croix DIENE
- Sister Jacqueline du Sacré Cœur MARONE
- Sister Marie Antoinette de l’Eucharistie N’DIONE
- -* Sister Marie Geneviève de l’Eucharistie NDIONE
- Sister Anne Marie du Saint Sacrement SENE
- Sister Marie Hélène de l’Esprit Saint ZODE

15 September, 2019 Mozambique
- Sister Graciete do Menino Jesus DIVALA
- Sister Prisca de Maria Das Dores ARAUJO

14 September, 2019 Kinshasa/RDC, Central Africa
- Sister Madrid Marie de Saint Paul OMPIM
- Sister Marie Agnes de L’Esperance SONY MEBUKILA
- Sister Dorine de la Grace Divine LELE WONGE
14 September, 2019 West Africa
- Sister Gertrude BENIE-MENSAH
- Sister Elizabeth ASARE-BUOBI
8 September, 2019 Congo Brazzaville, Central Africa
- Sister Jude Francheline Marie de Jesus BALESSOVE

6 June, 2019 Province of North East India & Nepal (Kalimpong)
- Sister Cathrina Sareena RAI
- Sister Augustina Archana SUBBA

1 June, 2019 Province of North India Plains (Kolkata)
- Sister Nipun Pranita KULLU
- Sister Santrika KIRO
- Sister Roseline Jacinta TIRKEY
- Sister Regina TETE.

27 May, 2019 Provinces of South India (Trichy), South West India (Bangalore) and South Central India (Salem)
- South India ...
- Sister Bakkiya PATHINATHAN
- Sister Caroline Libiya NESAM
- South Central India ...
- Sister Mary Dhyana ANTHONISWAMY
- South West India ...
- Sister Mercy Sahaya Rani SEBASTIAN

25 May, 2019 Province of South East India (Pondicherry)
- Sister Lourduberna ANTHONY
- Sister Mary Pancy GEORGE
- Sister Joshimary PEYYALA
- Sister Sahaya Ruslin WALTER