Obtain for us a heart like yours
O Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, whose heart beat only for God and souls, teach us to love as you loved, to pray as you prayed, to suffer and to pardon, to give ourselves as you did. Obtain for us a heart like yours, loving intensely God’s Holy Will, believing in His love in everything; a heart strong and kind, ardent and pure, loyal and faithful, humble and confiding; a heart ready for every sacrifice, a heart like to the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen
Obtain for us your vivid faith
O Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, who, following the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ, found the nourishment of your soul in the Holy Will of God and the exercise of your zeal in works for the salvation of souls, obtain for us your vivid faith, enabling us to recognize, love and accomplish all that God wills, your heroic confidence and your perfect abandonment to Divine Providence, as well as your intense love of God and of souls. Amen
Guide Us in the Path of Love
Blessed Anne-Marie, you always sought light and strength from the heart of Christ. Teach us to live in constant communion with him, to accomplish the will of the Father without reserve. Guide us in the path of love, which passes through simplicity, detachment and availability. Obtain for us from God the grace to reveal to all the presence and tenderness of God, for the greater glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Grant us the favor of her canonization
Lord our God, you enabled Blessed Anne-Marie to consecrate herself to the carrying out of your Holy Will in all things and to be ever attentive to your calls as manifested through the poorest of her brothers and sisters. Grant that we, in the Church of our day, may zealously continue the work you confided to her. Through her intercession hear the prayers we address to You. In your goodness, grant us the favor of her canonization, for your glory and to promote your reign of love, justice and peace. Amen!