The promotion of the dignity of each person
Slavery is at work when the integrity and dignity of the human person are held captive through :
- human trafficking (sale of human organs, prostitution (commercial sex workers),
- alcoholism, drug abuse,
- child abuse,
- violence against women and children.
The liberating charism of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey urges the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny to reach out to these dehumanizing situations, thus :
The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny commits itself to fight against slavery in our world promoting the dignity of each person. (2012 General Chapter Orientations)
A Cluny Response :
Bal Suraksha Abhiyan (BSA) is an institution for rehabilitation of working children - one of the pilot projects undertaken by the Province of North East India / Nepal in 2006. Since then, the Province is making great strides in fulfilling its mission.