On July 15, 2017, the sisters, their associates and friends, along with the entire Church of Reunion, celebrated this significant moment in the history of Cluny in Reunion. It was a day of remembering our foundress, Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey, and of giving thanks for the gift of her charism to the Church of Reunion !
Bishop Aubry’s homily (available for download below) will help you to discover some elements of the life of Anne-Marie Javouhey and the history of the Cluny Sisters in Reunion.
Go to the BLOG of the Province of Reunion where you will also find a very good article by Sonia Delecourt - Diocese of Reunion, who says in a few words, the depth of joy felt throughout this wonderful day : (in French)
Sonia Delecourt (Diocese of Reunion)
Download « Map of the Foundations of the Cluny Sisters in Reunion » here :
See more photos here :
103 Photos … https://photos.app.goo.gl/nJbhn7474A5K0O192
32 Photos … https://photos.app.goo.gl/RKoOn1MQkQ8SueZy2