Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
    The Will of God

The Will of God

The spirituality of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny is expressed in the ‘charism’ given to Anne-Marie Javouhey; a gift from God for the good of the church.

To know the Will of God and to do it was the guiding principle of the thought and action of Anne-Marie Javouhey, the secret of the serenity and fruitfulness of her life.

‘To do the Will of God, surely that is everything. We must therefore see it in all things, love to do it and make it loved.’
(Constitutions of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny)

The search for the Will of God takes place in dialogue, discernment and mutual love.

Anne-Marie Javouhey: free to love

Anne-Marie’s life and her letters speak of her intimate union with God, her burning zeal to spread Christ’s love for all throughout the world and her compassionate love for the most abandoned. Her missionary courageousness was founded on the conviction that she was sent by God to free all persons from any type of slavery and restore to them their dignity as children of God.

Called to be mystics and prophets: Called to liberate ... to empower

Following in the footsteps of Anne-Marie, and united with Christ in answer to His call, we share in His mission grounding all our actions in contemplation. Thus, our contemplation is what leads us to announce the Good News, to liberate, empower and promote the dignity of the entire human person.

Anne-Marie Javouhey’s life continues to call the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny to be ‘prophetic mystics.’ We strive to have her qualities:

  • the ear of a disciple: constant, intimate union with God
  • a clear vision of the world, reading the signs of the times
  • courage to respond to the challenges of the day
  • believing the Word of God calls for creativity in the midst of chaos
  • faith in a better future guiding the mission
  • giving hope to those ‘wounded by life’

Our spirituality in action

Our spirituality comes to life through our:

  • Being grounded in our life of prayer
  • Simplicity and total availability
    A Cluny Sister is like a ’bird on the branch’
  • Missionary spirit of adaptability to new situations
  • Openness to the signs of the times and to the cries of today’s world
  • Discernment of priorities in response to the signs of our times
  • Courage to take risks
  • Deep desire to share God’s liberating love with all.

Thus, our spirituality is a WAY of LIFE, which calls for a response according to the signs of the times. It defines our identity, our unity. It renews itself even as it is shared. It is DYNAMIC, influencing our lives and inspiring our mission. It is the heart of who the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny are called to be.

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