Sister Marie-Thérèse of the Holy Face BARBER
from the community of Saint Joseph, Mount Sackville(Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 December, 2022
at the age of 93 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Gabrielle of Jesus (Marie) BOYLE
from the community of Saint Joseph, Mount Sackville(Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 December, 2022
at the age of 87 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Maria Flora of the Child Jesus ALPHONSE
from the community of Holy Family, Pondicherry(South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 09 December, 2022
at the age of 76 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Anna de Marie Enfant CARNEIRO
from the community of Sainte Famille, Braga(Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 05 December, 2022
at the age of 100 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Claire du Sacré Cœur COIRIER
from the community of Anne-Marie Javouhey, Cleguerec(France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 November, 2022
at the age of 91 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Marie Thérèse de l’Assomption BOUSSEAU
from the community of Saint Joseph, Cayenne(Antilles/Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 November, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Gabriel du Saint Esprit JOSSE
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie, Thiais(France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 November, 2022
at the age of 90 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Sabine de Jésus DÉSÉRABLE
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie, Thiais(France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 November, 2022
at the age of 95 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Odile de Notre Dame LEFIÈVRE
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie, Thiais(France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 November, 2022
at the age of 99 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Francis Xavier de l’Eucharistie O’BRIEN
from the community of Saint Joseph, Mount Sackville(Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 November, 2022
at the age of 98 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Estelle de la Providence BARRET
from the community of Saint Joseph, La Montagne(Réunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31 October, 2022
at the age of 94 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Maria de Jésus-Enfant HUCKERT
from the community of Saint Joseph, Cluny(France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 October, 2022
at the age of 86 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Gabriel de Marie Reine Immaculée MASON
from the community of Mary Immaculate Queen, Grenada(West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 October, 2022
at the age of 80 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Rita de la Sainte Vierge KUNNUMPURATHU
from the community of Saint Joseph, Salem(South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 October, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Perpétue de la Résurrectioin TAHIRIMAMPIONONA
from the community of Saint Joseph, Tambohobe(Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 October, 2022
at the age of 38 years, after 16 years of profession.

Sister Imelda des Anges THUDIANPLACKAL
from the community of San Jose Nivas, Salem (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 October, 2022
at the age of 97 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Bernard de la Ste Trinité LE RALLE
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie, Thiais (France/Suisse/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 September, 2022
at the age of 100 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Pius de la Ste Vierge THUDIAMPLACKAL
from the community of St Peter Claver, Bangalore (South West India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 September, 2022
at the age of 82 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Germaine de l’Eucharistie CHALCOU
from the community of Notre Dame de Béthanie, Guadeloupe (Antilles/Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 September, 2022
at the age of 95 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Yvonne of Jesus OLAKKENGIL
from the community of St Francis Xavier, Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 September, 2022
at the age of 72 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Maria do Céu GONÇALVES
from the community of Nossa Senhora do Rasario (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 September, 2022
at the age of 78 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Stéphane du Saint Rosaire RAZANALISOA
from the community of Sainte Anne, Androhibe Antananarivo (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 August, 2022
at the age of 88 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Elisabeth de la Ste Famille SAUVAGE
from the community of Anne-Marie Javouhey, Cleguerec (France / Switerland / Saint Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 04 August, 2022
at the age of 95 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Philip of the Sacred Heart AROKIAM
from the community of Risen Christ – Udaya Sadan, Tindivanam (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 July, 2022
at the age of 74 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Isaura de Maria SANTOS
from the community of Coração Imaculado de Maria, Fátima (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 July, 2022
at the age of 86 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Emily of Our Lady GNANADICAM
from the community of Risen Christ, Tindivanam (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 July, 2022
at the age of 77 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Savio of the Sacred Heart CHALISSERY
from the community of St Thomas, New Jalpaiguri - (India North Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 05 July, 2022
at the age of 76 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Stephen of the Sacred Heart LEAVY
from the community of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Tauranga - (New Zealand/Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 01 July, 2022
at the age of 91 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Angela of Our Lady O’SULLIVAN
from the community of Saint Joseph - Mount Sackville - Dublin (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 June, 2022
at the age of 99 years, after 77 years of profession.

Sister Rita da Assunção ALMEIDA
from the community of Coração Imaculado de Maria - Fatima, (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 June, 2022
at the age of 93 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister María Dolores de la Inmaculada DUBERT NOVO
from the community of María Reina de la Paz - Pozuelo de Alarcón, (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 June, 2022
at the age of 92 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Maria Inácia da Eucaristia FONSECA
from the community of Sagrada Familia - Nogueiró, Braga, (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 June, 2022
at the age of 98 years, after 76 years of profession.

Sister María Consuelo de los Serafines MOROTE TELLEZ
from the community of María Reina de la Paz - Pozuelo de Alarcón, (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 June, 2022
at the age of 82 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Thérèse de la Virgen GAUDEL
from the community of St Joseph - Cluny, (France/Switzerland/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 May, 2022
at the age of 98 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Alice Augusta de la Trinidad DAS DORES
from the community of San José - Lucelia - São Paulo, (Brasil)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 May, 2022
at the age of 101 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Celine del Niño Jesús PARAYIL
from the community of Our Lady of Lourdes - Gangavalli, (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 May, 2022
at the age of 70 years, after 47 years of profession.

Sister Maria Isabel SOBRAL
from the community of María, Mãe da Igreja- Matola - (Mozambique)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 May, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Hélène de la Virgen ALLAIS
from the community of St Joseph - La Montagne, (Reunión)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 April, 2022
at the age of 102 years, after 78 years of profession.

Sister Filomena de Cristo FERREIRA
from the community of Nuestra Señora del Rosario - Torres Novas, (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 April, 2022
at the age of 91 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Jeanne Elisabeth FUCITO (Oblate Sister sine 1958)
from the community of Notre Dame Papeete, Tahiti- (French Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 April, 2022
at the age of 89 years.

Sister Maria da Conceição CURVELO
from the community of Corazón Inmaculado de María - Fátima - (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 April, 2022
at the age of 80 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Cécile du Christ DUNOYER de SEGONZAC
from the community of St Joseph - Cluny - (France/Switzerland/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 March, 2022
at the age of 90 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Adelaida del Espíritu Santo BOTAS SÁNCHEZ
from the community of María Reina de la Paz- Pozuelo de Alarcón (España)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 March, 2022
at the age of 94 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Veronique of Jesus Christ KAVALAMAKAL
from the community of Risen Christ - Udaya Sadan, Tindivanam (Inde du Sud)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 March, 2022
at the age of 94 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Patricia of Jesus MANDAPATHIL
from the community of St. Francis Xavier - Pondicherry (Inde du Sud-Est)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 March, 2022
at the age of 81 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Leo of Our Lady ANTHONISAMY
from the community of Blessed Sacrament - Katpadi (Inde du Sud Ouest)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 March, 2022
at the age of 75 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister Gemma of the Trinity MALLO VITES
from the community of Maria Reina de la Paz - Pozuelo de Alarcón (Espagne)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 March, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Marcellina of the Sacred Heart TAMANG
from the community of St. Anne – Kalimpong (Inde du Nord Est / Népal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 February, 2022
at the age of 78 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Anne-Marie of the Cross LISTON
from the community of Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey – Newport, Rhode Island (USA / Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 04 February, 2022
at the age of 84 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Mary of the Merciful Jesus SUSAIKANNU
from the community of St. Anthony the Great – Chennai (Inde du Sud)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 January, 2022
at the age of 69 years, after 37 years of profession.

Sister Gertrude de la Réparation TIRANT
from the community of St. Joseph – Seychelles (Seychelles / Tanzanie)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 January, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Greta of Jesus Mary COLLINS
from the community of St. Joseph – Mount Sackville (Irelande / Grande Bretagne)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 January, 2022
at the age of 89 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Prestina of the Holy Angels KATTAKAYAM
from the community of St. John Mary Vianney – Malleswaram, Andhra Pradesh (Inde du Sud Est)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 January, 2022
à l’âge de 72 ans, après 53 ans de profession.

Sister Clara Eugénia de la Virgen COSTAS RIAL
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie - Thiais (France / Suisse / St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 08 January, 2022
at the age of 85 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Cécile of Mary Immaculate Queen HOARAU
from the community of St. Joseph – Seychelles (Seychelles / Tanzania)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 03 January, 2022
at the age of 86 years, after 63 years of profession.

-------------------- 2021 --------------------
Sister Paul de Jésus Christ ALMERAS
from the community of Saint Joseph - CLUNY (France/Switzerland/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 December 2021
at the age of 95 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Dorothy of Jesus Christ SELVARAJ
from the community of Saint Rosalie - PALACADE (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 December 2021
at the age of 74 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Monique de la Sainte Face RAVAOARINERA
from the community of Sainte Thérèse d’Avila - AMBOSITRA (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 December 2021
at the age of 64 years, after 31 years of profession.

Sister Eileen of Jesus Mc GRATH
from the community of St. Joseph - MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland and Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 December 2021
at the age of 89 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Maria of Mercy DEGUIGNE
from the community of St. Joseph - LA MONTAGNE (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5 December 2021
at the age of 95 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister James of Our Lady of Lourdes PILLION
from the community of St. Joseph - MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland and Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 November 2021
at the age of 97 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Philomena of Our Lady MALIPARAYIL
from the community of Saint Thomas - NEW JALPAIGURI (India North Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 November 2021
at the age of 86 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Conception of the Heart of Jesus KURISUMMOOTIL
from the community of Immaculate Conception – CHANDANNAGAR (India North Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 October 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Teresa Maria de Cristo ALMEIDA
from the community of Notre Dame du Rosaire – TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 October 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Jeanne Blandine of Christ RATELOVAVY
From the community of St. Vincent de Paul – AMBATONILITA, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 October 2021
at the age of 62 years, after 32 years of profession.

Sister Laetitia of the Eucharist TASTET
from the community of Marie de Béthanie, LE MOULE (Antilles-Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 October 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Denise du Christ RASOAMAMPIONONA
from the community of St. Anne, Androhibe (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 September, 2021
at the age of 80 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Angie du Sauveur EREPMOC
from the community of Marie-Reine de Béthanie au Moule, (Antilles/Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 September, 2021
at the age of 85 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Marcelle du Sacré Cœur TARKIN
from the community of St Joseph, La Montagne, (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 September, 2021
at the age of 85 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Marie ERNOULT
from the community Saint Cœur de Marie – THIAIS, (France/Switzerland/St Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 September, 2021
at the age of 99 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Solange de la Présentation BACOUL
from the community of Notre Dame de Béthanie, Guadeloupe (Antilles / Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 September, 2021
at the age of 89 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Monica Deepa of Virgin Mary LEPCHA
from the community of Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, Hetauda NEPAL (North East India / Nepal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 August, 2021
at the age of 43 years, after 21 years of profession.

Sister Rachel Philippe of Our Lady of Sorrows RACINE
from the community of Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, NEWPORT (USA/Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 August, 2021
at the age of 91 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Saint Roch de la Présentation SÉRY
from the community of St. Joseph à La Montagne (La Réunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 August, 2021
at the age of 100 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Monique Henri du Sacré Cœur BONHEUR
from the community of Marie de Béthanie au Moule, Guadeloupe (Antilles / French Guiana)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 August, 2021
at the age of 76 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Theophane of the Heart of Jesus HALPIN
from the community of St. Joseph, Mount Sackville (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 August, 2021
at the age of 99 years, after 79 years of profession.

Sister Josephine of Jesus ST. LEDGER
from the community of Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, Newport (USA / Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 August, 2021
at the age of 89 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Luisa da Sagrada Familia SALALA
from the community of Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, Andulo (Angola / Guinée Bissau / Namibia)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 August, 2021
at the age of 79 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Elisabete (Maria Paula) MULATINHO
from the community of Mary Mediatrix – MAPUTO (Mozambique)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6th August 2021
at the age of 91 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Sister Martha of the Immaculate Conception ELOI-HILAIRE
from the Holy Heart of Mary Community, Thiais (France / Switzerland / St. Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to himself on 3rd August 2021
at the age of 91 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Reina of Holy Mary LOE SACK SIOE
de la Communauté Sainte Anne, Trinidad (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to himself on 01 August, 2021
at the age of 93 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Colette du Rédempteur PIVARD
from the community of Saint Joseph, Cluny (France / Switzerland / St. Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to himself on 01 August, 2021
at the age of 88 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Peggy of the Cross Mc LOUGHLIN
from St Joseph’s Community, Mount Sackville (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to himself on 23 July 2021
at the age of 79 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Marie Joseph de l’Eucharistie MALABOUS
from the Community Anne Marie Javouhey Beauregard (France / Switzerland / St.Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to himself on 16 July, 2021
at the age of 97 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Christine FIQUET
from the community of ’Cœur de Jésus et de Marie’ - Rouen (France / Switzerland / St.Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to himself on 2 July, 2021
at the age of 85, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Marie Reine de Jésus-Hostie CONFORT
from the Community of Saint Madeleine, Port-au-Prince (Haiti)
whom the Lord called to himself on 30 June 2021
at the age of 83 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Jeanne d’Arc WILLIAMS
from the Community of Our Lady of Lourdes Arouca, Trinidad (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to himself on 30 June 2021
at the age of 90 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Dominic Savio of Our Lord WALROND
from the Community of Our Lady of Lourdes, Arouca, Trinidad (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to himself on 28 June 2021
at the age of 76 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister Madeleine du Christ JUD
from the Community of St Therese of the Child Jesus – Fribourg (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to himself on 22 June 2021
at the age of 95 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Inès de Saint Joseph VIEITES
from the Community of María Reina de la Paz, Pozuelo (Spain)
whom the Lord called to himself on 19 June 2021
at the age of 82 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Marie Celine de la Présentation PAYET
from the Community of St Joseph – La Montagne (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to himself on 17 June 2021
at the age of 88 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Christine de Jesus-Hostie DERAINE
from the Community of Mary of Bethanie – Le Moule (Antilles Guyane)
whom the Lord called to himself on 15 June 2021
at the age of 90 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Germaine of the Cross BIYELA
from the Community of « Our Lady of Peace Brazzaville (Central Africa)
whom the Lord called to himself on 15 June 2021
at the age of 87 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of Mary Immaculate Queen DAVIES
from the Community of « Mary Immaculate Queen – CLAYTON (Australia/Papua New Guinea)
whom the Lord called to himself on 11 June 2021
at the age of 88 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Ignatia of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Tigga
from the Community of Our Lady of Fatima – Parantat (North East India/ Nepal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 May 2021
at the age of 41 years, after 16 years of profession.

Sister Assumpta of all Saints SIMEON
from the Community of the Holy Family – Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 May 2021
at the age of 73 years, after 48 years of profession.

Sister Mericia of the Holy Spirit SALEMA
from the Community of the Holy Family – Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 May 2021
at the age of 78 years, after 55 years of profession.

Sister Francis Borgia NEDIANIKUZHIYIL
from the Community of the Holy Family –Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13 May 2021
at the age of 78 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Bernard of Our Lady MUTHUSAMY
from the Community of the Holy Family – Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 May 2021
at the age of 70 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Andréa of Our Lady D’CRUZ
from the Community Saint Joseph – CHANDANNAGAR (North India Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 April 2021
at the age of 82 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Françoise of the Sacred Heart RAZAIARIVELO
from the Community Our Lady of Perpetual Succour / Noviciat – ANDROHIBE (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 April 2021
at the age of 83 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Inès de Jésus OTERO PEON
from the community of « Maria Reina de la Paz – POZUELO de Alarcón (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 March 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Stanislaus of the Child Jesus BYRNE
from the Community “St Joseph” – Mount Sackville (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 March 2021
at the age of 96 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Emma of Christ MANNAMPLACKAL
from the Community of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart » – KALIMPONG (North East / Nepal, India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 March 2021
at the age of 92 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Marcelina do Rosario PROTASIO
from the Community of Our Lady of Assumption - TETE (Mozambique)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 February 2021
at the age of 91 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Marthe of Christ the King ÉLIE
from the Community of Anne-Marie Javouhey – PORT-AU-PRINCE (Haïti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 February 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Benigna du Sacré Cœur THAYIL
from the community of « Our Lady of the Presentation » – BANGALORE (South West India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 February, 2021
at the age of 92 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Emilia Maria del Cristo de la Victoria FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ
from the community of « Maria Reina de la Paz » – Pozuelo de Alarcón (Espagne)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 February, 2021
at the age of 88 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister René du Saint Nom de Marie VANDAME
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie – THIAIS (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 February, 2021
at the age of 97 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Agnes of the Crucifix REILLY
of the community of Saint Joseph – MOUNT SACKVILLE (Irlande/Grande Bretagne)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 February, 2021
at the age of 83 years, after 62 yeas of profession.

Sister Maria Helena da Cruz FERREIRA
from the community of Cœur Immaculé de Marie – FÁTIMA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2 February, 2021
at the age of 85 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Maria Javier de Cristo DIVASSON CILVETI
from the community of « Maria Reina de la Paz – POZUELO DE ALARCÓN (Espagne)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 January, 2021
at the age of 90 years, after 55 years of profession.

Sister Bernadette de la Sainte Face YOKOWO
from the community of Bienheureuse Anne-Marie Javouhey – ROCHE CAÏMAN (Seychelles/Tanzanie)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 January, 2021
at the age of 77 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Maria du Saint Rosaire SILVA
from the community of Notre Dame du Rosaire – TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 January, 2021
at the age of 97 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Marie Claude de Jésus RIMAUX
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie – THIAIS (France / Switzerland / St. Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 January 2021
at the age of 94 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Marguerite de St Joseph PINTO
from the community of Sainte Famille – NOGUEIRÓ, Braga (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 January, 2021
at the age of 93 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Maria Dominica du Rosaire ALVES
from the community of Sainte Famille – NOGUEIRÓ, Braga (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 January, 2021
at the age of 97 years, after 75 years of profession.

-------------------- 2020 --------------------
Sister Blaise of the Immaculate Queen GOLOKMOO
from the community of Saint John the Baptist – MARTAM, Sikkim (North India East / Nepal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 December, 2020
at the age of 59 years, after 35 years of profession.

Sister Ana de Fatima LOPES
from the community of Sainte Famille – NOGUEIRÓ, Braga (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 December 2020
at the age of 96 years, after 76 years of profession.

Sister Philomène du Saint Rosaire GOMES
from the community of Sainte Famille – NOGUEIRÓ, Braga (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 December, 2020
at the age of 100 years, after 79 years of profession.

Sister Maria da Glória CABRAL
from the community of Sainte Famille – NOGUEIRÓ, Braga (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 December 2020
at the age of 98 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Elisabeth du Christ RUEGG
from the community of Ste. Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus – FRIBOURG (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 December, 2020
at the age of 89 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Margaret of the Holy Eucharist RAI
from the community of « Our Lady of the Sacred Heart » KALIMPONG (North East India & Nepal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2 December 2020
at the age of 93 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Marie-René de la Trinité BEAUGÉ
from the Community of Anne-Marie Javouhey – PORT-AU-PRINCE (Haiti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 November 2020
at the age of 79 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Benjamin of Our Lady KANJIRAMELKUNNEL
from the Community of the Holy Family – PONDICHERRY (S.E. India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 November 2020
at the age of 88 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Yvonne de Jesus, Host CLAIN
from the Community of Saint Joseph – CLUNY (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 November 2020
at the age of 96 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Maria José de Bélem MATOS
from the Community of ‘Our Lady of Africa’, Bailundo (Angola / Guinée Bissau / Namibie)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2 November 2020
at the age of 77 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Claire of Jesus LANGENBERGER
from the Community of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus – FRIBOURG
(France / Suisse / St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 October 2020
at the age of 90 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Angela of the Holy Heart of Mary LYET
from the Community of the Holy Heart of Mary, THIAIS (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 October 2020
at the age of 103 years, after 80 years of profession.

Sister Jean-Marie of the Eucharist CADET
from the Community of Saint Joseph, LA MONTAGNE (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 October 2020
at the age of 96 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Cecily of the Passion IRUDAYAM
from the Community of Saint Francis Xavier – PONDICHERRY (S.E.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 October 2020
at the age of 66 years, after 43 years of profession.

Sister Mercy Angela of the Holy Spirit VEDAMUTHU
from the Community of Our Lady of the Poor – Nattamangalam, SALEM (S.C.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 September 2020
at the age of 70 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Marie René of the Sacred Heart GRONDIN
from the Community of the Holy Heart of Mary THIAIS (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 September 2020
at the age of 89 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Theodore of Mary ISAAC
from the Community of Our Lady of the Presentation – BANGALORE (S.W.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 September 2020
at the age of 80 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Thérèse de la Nativité BOURBIER
from the Community of the Holy Heart of Mary, THIAIS (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 September 2020
at the age of 102 years, after 79 years of profession.

Sister Claude Marie of Jesus Ravaoarivelo CAMARA
from the Community of St Anne – Androhibe (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 September 2020
at the age of 80 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Marie Olivier of Mercy CARRÉ
from the Community Holy Heart of Mary – THIAIS (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 September 2020
at the age of 94 years, after 55 years of profession.

Sister Maria Fatima MARTINS
from the Community of Our Lady of Fatima – LUANDA (Angola/Guinea Bissau/Namibia)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2 September 2020
at the age of 87 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Maria Sabina de Jésus SANMARTIN SUAREZ
from the Community of Mary, Queen of Peace, Pozuelo (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 August, 2020
at the age of 84 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Felicia of our Lady CHAVALOOR
from the Community of Saint Thomas – Changanacherry (S.C.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 August, 2020
at the age of 70 years, after 48 years of profession.

Sister Bernadette of the Blessed Virgin TURLEY
from the Community of St Joseph, Mt Sackville, (Ireland/Great Britain),
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 August 2020
at the age of 89 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Rose Mary of the Sacred Heart DENNENY
from the Community of Saint Joseph – MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12 August 2020
at the age of 91 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Dominic Savio of Jesus PETER
from the Community of « Christ the King » – BANGALORE (South West India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 August 2020
at the age of 84 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Mechtilde of the Eucharist POTHIN
from the Community of Saint Joseph – VICTORIA, Mahé (Seychelles / Tanzanie)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 August 2020
at the age of 98 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Maria Victoria of the Child Jesus THOMAS
from the Community Bl. Anne Marie Javouhey – JAMBAYANAHATTI (S.W.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 August, 2020
at the age of 75 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Bernard of Nazareth HANSBERGER
from the Community of the Immaculate Heart of Mary –Dakar-Medina (Afrique de l’Ouest francophone)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 August 2020
at the age of 88 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Cecilia Cecilia de Jesus ROCHA
from the Community of Notre Dame de Fatima – S. Paulo/LUANDA (Angola/Guinée Bissau/Namibie)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 July, 2020
at the age of 90 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Cecilia of Mary Immaculate CANALS NAVARRETTE
from the Community of Mary, Queen of Peace – POZULO DE ALARCÓN / Madrid (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 July, 2020
at the age of 89 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Martha of the Divine Heart ROUSSEL
from the Community of the Holy Heart of Mary – THIAIS (France/Suisse/Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 July, 2020
at the age of 100 years, after 79 years of profession.

Sister Marie de l’Assomption RASOARIMANANA
from the community of Saint Anne – ANDROHIBE (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 July, 2020
at the age of 80 years, after 55 years of profession.

Sister Clotilde Saudade CAMARA
from the community of Notre Dame du Rosaire – TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 July, 2020
at the age of 75 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Marcelle of Christ QUENTEL
from the Community of our Lady – PAPEETE (Vice Province of the Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 July, 2020
at the age of 92 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Teresa of Mary Immaculate MOMOYALEWA
from the Community St Joseph of St Teresa – Rarotonga, Cook Islands (New Zealand/Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 June, 2020
at the age of 82 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Benoît of Our Lady PINSON
from the Community « Holy Heart of Mary » – THIAIS (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 June, 2020
at the age of 94 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Francis Xavier of the Holy Spirit SAVARIMUTHU
from the Community « Risen Christ » – TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 June, 2020
at the age of 82 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Simone of Our Lady MAILLOT
from the community of Saint Joseph – LA MONTAGNE (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5 May, 2020
at the age of 95 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Isménia of Mary Immaculate COELHO
from the community of The Holy Family – NOGUEIRÓ-BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4 May, 2020
at the age of 93 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Concilia of Jesus MARIADOSS
from the community of Saint Anthony of Padua – CHEYUR (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 April, 2020
at the age of 75 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Lourdes Marina of Christ IRUDAYAM
from the Community of « Risen Christ » TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 April, 2020
at the age of 66 years, after 44 years of profession.

Sister Maria del Carmen ALVAREZ SALIDO
from the Community of Mary Queen of Peace Pozuelo, (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 April, 2020
at the age of 92 years, after 71 years of profession

Sister Maria Cecilia of Jesus NOBREGO
from the Community of the Sacred Heart/ St Monica’s Home, Paris (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 April, 2020
at the age of 88 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Georgina of Mary Immaculate PANAMTHOTTAM
from the Community of St Joseph, Karaikal (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 April, 2020
at the age of 87 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Pierre de Sainte Marie BASTILLE
from the Community of Anne-Marie Javouhey – CLUNY (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 April, 2020
at the age of 77 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Maria Esther of Christ the King COSTAS RIAL
from the Community of St Teresa – POZUELO (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 April, 2020
at the age of 77 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Jean-François de Notre Dame SALSON
from the community of Immaculée Conception – LIMOUX (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31 March, 2020
at the age of 90 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Marie Louise of Jesus PASSAGNE
from the community of the Immaculate heart of Marry – THIAIS (France / Suisse / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 March, 2020
at the age of 86 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Raphael of the Holy Face CHANDLEUR
from the community of Our Lady of Lourdes, Arouca (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12 March, 2020
at the age of 91 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Thomasina of the Apostles COOLEY
from the community of Mount Sackville – (Ireland/Gt Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29th February, 2020
at the age of 88 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Marie Thérèse of Calvary BARRET
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie, THIAIS (France / Switzerland / Saint Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 February, 2020
at the age of 88 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Lucette of Christ the King MOINE
from the community of Saint Joseph -CLUNY (France, Switzerland, St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13th February, 2020
at the age of 96 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Auxilia of JESUS THOMAMUTHU
from the community of Risen Christ - TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2nd February, 2020
at the age of 74 years, after 50 years of profession.

Sister Yvonne of St. Michel DUMONT
from the community of Sacred Heart of Mary - THIAIS (France/ Switzerland/ St. Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 January, 2020
at the age of 94 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Marie Bernard of Rosary LE DÛ
from the community of Anne – Marie Javouhey – CLUNY (France/ Suisse/ St. Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 January, 2020
at the age of 90 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Cécile de Jésus Marie BUTEL
from the community of Holy Heart of Mary – THIAIS (France / Switzerland / Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18th of January, 2020
at the age of 90 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Josefa Maria of the Sacred Heart PIRES
from the community of Notre Dame du Rosaire – TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9th January, 2020
at the age of 92 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Isidora Maria of Jesus MADAMBAGATH
from the community of Saint Thomas – NEW JALPAIGURI (North Indian Plaines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th January, 2020
at the age of 81 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Victoria of Fatima MATOSO RODRIGUES
from the community of Our Lady of Fatima – São Paulo, LUANDA (Angola)
died at the hospital in Porto, Portugal
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2nd of January, 2020
at the age of 54 years, after 31 years of profession.
-------------------- 2019 --------------------
Sister Marie of the Holy Spirit VIVIES
from the community of St. Joseph LA – MONTAGNE (REUNION)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18th Dec. 2019
at the age of 96 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Dolores of the Sacred Heart O’BRIEN
from the community of ST. Joseph MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16Th Dec. 2019
at the age of 96 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Solange of the Holy Virgin LOZI
from the community of Immaculate Heart of Mary BRAZZAVILLE Congo (Central Africa)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th Dec. 2019
at the age of 83 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Anne-Marie de Notre Dame BIHAN-POUDEC
from the community of « Anne-Marie Javouhey » BEAUREGARD, Cléguérec (France/Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 Nov. 2019
at the age of 91 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Dominique of Heart of Jesus KAVANAGH
from the community of Saint Joseph, VICTORIA (SEYCHELLES/ TANZANIE) whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 Nov. 2019
at the age of 93 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Phylis of the Trinity WHARFE
from the community of the Our Lady of the Assumption TOBAGO (West – Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 Nov. 2019
at the age of 74 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister John Britto ALOOR
from the community of Risen Christ – TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15th November 2019
at the age of 93 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Pascal of Nazareth METZGER
of the community of Saint Joseph – TAMBOHOBE (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on November 12, 2019
at the age of 81 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Roberta of Jesus GORMLEY
from the community of Saint Joseph – Mount Sackville (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on November 4, 2019
at the age of 91 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Maria of Christ PAYEN
from the community of Mary of Bethany - LE MOULE (Antilles/Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31st October, 2019
at the age of 105 years, after 85 years of profession.

Sister Rita of Christ MUKHIA
from the community of Our Lady of Sacred Heart - Kalimpong (N.E.India/Nepal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22nd October, 2019
at the age of 79 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Chantal of the Holy Spirit PULIKAMOOZHEL
from the community of Risen Christ -TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20th of October, 2019
at the age of 84 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Maria of the Anunciation FERREIRA
from the Community of our Lady of Rosery TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19th October, 2019
at the age of 99 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Marie Berchmans of Saint Joseph MALIKANDATHIL
from the community of Immaculate Conception, Chandanagar (North Indian Plaines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th October, 2019
at the age of 82 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Theodore of the Holy Heart of Mary WINTER
from the community of Our Lady of Lourdes Arouca (West- Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th October, 2019
at the age of 95 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Francisca of Christ Roi SLEVIN
from the community of Immaculate Queen Clayton, Australia (Australia/ PNG)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3rd October, 2019
at the age of 103 years, after 82 years of profession.

Sister Louis of Divine Heart KEANE
from the community of Holy Family YERCAUD Tamil Nadu (South Central, India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 Sept. 2019
at the age of 90 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Genevieve of the Annunciation RILLIARD
from the community of Holy Heart of Mary – THIAIS (France, Suisse & St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 Sept. 2019
at the age of 92 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Chantal de l’Eucharistie JANVIER
from the Community of Marie de Béthanie – MOULE, Guadeloupe (Antilles-Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on the 11 September 2019,
at the age of 91 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Helen of Saint Joseph MARIA-LOUIS
from the Community of Sacred Heart, YERCAUD (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on the 7 September 2019, at the age of 63 years, after 38 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of the Providence WENDT
from the Community of the Saint Joseph the Worker Suva, Fiji (New Zealand Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22nd August 2019, at the age of 79 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Martha of the Holy Family HINAULT
from the Community of the Saint Joseph – BEAUREGARD KER LEVENEG Cleguerec (France/ Suisse/ Saint Pierre & Miquelon) whom the Lord called to Himself on 21st August 2019, at the age of 97 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Claire of Marie Mediatrice MICHEAU
from the Community of CLUNY (France/ Suisse/ Saint Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19th August 2019, at the age of 97 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Marie Bernard du Sacré-Cœur LEFEBVRE
from the community of Saint Cœur de Marie – THIAIS (France/Switzerland/Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 August 2019
at the age of 104 years, after 80 years of profession.

Sister Georgina Maria of the Holy Trinity ROGER
from the community of Saint Anne ANDROHIBE (MADAGASCAR)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9th August 2019
at the age of 91 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Catherine of Saint Joseph RUDUM
from the community of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart – Kalimpong (North East India & Nepal) whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st August 2019
at the age of 83 years, after 43 years of profession.

Sister Louis of the Blessed Virgin CURTIS
from the community of Stella Maris – DIXINN, Conakry (Guinea)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16th July 2019
at the age of 94 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Veronique of Redemtor SOULLIER
from the community of THIAS (France/Suisse/ St. Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12th July 2019
at the age of 104 years, after 78 years of profession.

Sister Kathleen of the Holy Face CONNOR
from the community of Sagrada Family MAGDALENA, Lima (Peru/Cuba)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st July 2019
at the age of 97 years, after 73years of profession.

Sister Pascal of the Holy Eucharist MOONNUPEE
from the community of Holy Family – PONDICHERRY (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st July 2019
at the age of 92 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Gabrielle of Jesus ROY LEDOUX
from the Community of Marie of Bethany, Le Moule – GUADELOUPE (Antilles / Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 June 2019
at the age of 95 years after 72, years of profession.

Sister Marie Antoine of Sacred Heart VIAL
from the Community of Anne Marie Javouhey CLUNY (France/ Suisse/ St. Pirre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 June 2019
at the age of 101 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister John Berchmans of Jesus SAVARIMUTHU
from the Community of Blessed Sacrament – KATPADI Preethi Sadan (South West India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 June 2019
at the age of 68 years, after 47 years of profession.

Sister Helen of Our Lady ISRAEL
from the Community of Holy Trinity – TINDIVANAM (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29th May 2019
at the age of 79 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Ethna of Our Lady of Lourdes HANAMEY
from the Community of Saint Joseph, MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10 May 2019
at the age of 94 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Maria Aurora of the Infant Jesus DELGADO LAYNES
from the community of Holy Family, MAGDALENA (Peru/ Cuba)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st May 2019
at the age of 93 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Marie de St. Guillaume CROGUENNOC
from the community of Anne Marie Javouhey, Beauregard-CLÉGUÉREC (France/Switzerland/St Pierre & Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30th April 2019
at the age of 94 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Francoise Etienne BLANCHANT
from the community of Anne Marie Javouhey Beauregard CLEGUEREC (France, Suisse/ Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24th April 2019
at the age of 97 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Jean – Luc of Jesus COSTE
from the Community of Saint Joseph PAPEETE (Vice Province of Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19th April 2019
at the age of 87 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Emile of Our Lady LANNOU
from the community of Saint Joseph CAYENNE (Antilles – Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17th April 2019
at the age of 102 years, after 76 years of profession.

Sister André of Jesus DAVID
from the community of ROUEN (France/Switzerland/St Pierre and Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 April, 2019
at the age of 94 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Marie Georges SPAGNOL
from the community of Holy Heart of Mary – THIAIS (France/ Suisse/St. Pierre et Miquelon)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 March 2019
at the age of 97 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Rita of the Holy Face KULANDAISAMY
from the community of Saint Joseph – KARAIKAL (South-East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 March 2019
at the age of 72 years, after 50 years of profession.

Sister Dolores of Saint Joseph VIEIRA
from the community of Our Lady of Rosary TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 March 2019
at the age of 93 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Emmanuel of the Passion RAZOELINIRINA
from the community of Saint Anne – ANDROHIBE (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 March 2019
at the age of 92 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Oliver of Divine Heart TURLEY
from the community of Saint Joseph MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland / Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 March 2019
at the age of 93years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Mary Pius of the Five Wounds MOORE
from the community of Saint Joseph MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 March 2019
at the age of 95 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Gertrude of Child Jesus KEMPER
from the Community of St. Therese of Child Jesus, FRIBOURG (France / Switzerland / St. Pierre and Miquelon ).
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 March 2019
at the age of 98 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Anna of the Rosary LAFONTANT
from the community of Anne-Marie Javouhey, Port au Prince (Haiti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 March 2019
at the age of 84 years, after 60 years of profession.

Sister Catherine of Holy Eucharist GOMES
from the community of Holy Family – BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5 March 2019
at the age of 101 years, after 82 years of profession.

Sister Genevieve of the Blessed Sacrament LOO
from the community of Saint Joseph the Worker – SUVA, FIJI (New Zealand/Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 February, 2019
at the age of 77 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Thérèse of the Cross RAHARIMALALA
from the community of St. Anne - Androhibe (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 February, 2019
at the age of 85 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Maria de S. Jose CARVALHO
from the community of the Holy Family – BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 February 2019
at the age of 83 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Dominique of the Incarnation CHETTUPUZHAKARAN
from the community of the Risen Christ (South India )
whom the Lord called to Himself on 04 February. 2019
at the age of 91 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Irene of Our Lady PORTOBOS
from the community of St. Francis Xavier – THIAIS (France / Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself 30th January, 2019
at the age of 87 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Ana Dulce of Jesus Christ FERNANDES
from the community of the Holy Family – Nogueiro BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 January, 2019
at the age of 90 years, after 51 years of profession.

Sister Claire of the Virgin MARIASSOOSAI
from the community of the Holy Family, Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 January, 2019
at the age of 84 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Jincy of Our Lady MARUTHUMKUZHIIL
from the community of the Mary Immaculate Queen – DEVIKAPURAM (South West India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12 January. 2019
at the age of 40 years, after 18 years of profession.

Sister Stella of the Holy Face SELVAM,
from the community of the Holy Family, Pondicherry (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 January. 2019
at the age of 94 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Angela of Sacred Heart O’CALLAGHAN
from the community of St. Joseph – St. Clare Home. NEWPORT RI (USA /CANADA)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3rd January 2019.
at the age of 87 years, after 67 years of profession.
-------------------- 2018 --------------------
Sister Beatrice of Sacred Heart AUGUSTE
from the community of Mary of Bethany LE MOULE (Antilles – Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on December 23, 2018
at the age of 85 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Paula of Fatima ALVES
from the community of the Holy Family-Nogueiro, BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20th Dec. 2018
at the age of 76 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Isabel of the Rasary VIEIRA
from the community of the Saint Joseph LUCELIA (Brazil)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 December, 2018
at the age of 90 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Marie Michel FADOUL
from the community of the Saint Joseph, BASSE-TERRE/VERSAILLES (Antilles-Guyane)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th December, 2018
at the age of 87 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Helen of Our Lady WESTON
from the community of Mount Sackville (Ireland/Gt Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 December, 2018
at the age of 93 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Tahiaheeani TAHIRORI
from the community of the Notre Dame, PAPEETE (Vice-Province of French Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 November, 2018
at the age of 83 years, after 38 years of profession.

Sister Perpetua of the Sacred Heart CORRY
of the community of Mount Sackville (Ireland/Gt Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 November, 2018
at the age of 87 years, after 57 years of profession.

Sister Xavier of the Infant Jesus MANAMTHADATHIL
from the community of Holy Family (Hospice) PONDICHERRY (India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 November, 2018
at the age of 79 years, after 52 years of profession.

Sister M. Martina of Holy Face COYNE
from the community of Mount Sackville (Ireland/Gt. Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9 November, 2018
at the age of 94 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Pascal of the Presentation GEORGES
from the community of Saint Peter, PETIONVILLE (Haiti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 October, 2018
at the age of 71 years, after 49 years of profession.

Sister Ana of Saint Joseph COSTA
from the community of Our Lady of Fatima, LUANDA (Angola/Guine Bissou)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st October, 2018
at the age of 92 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Paula of Cross PEREIRA
from the community of the Our Lady of the Rosary, TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26 September, 2018
at the age of 83 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Maria of the Infant Jesus TEIXEIRA
from the community of the Holy Family, Nogueiró, BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13th September, 2018
at the age of 100 years, after 80 years of profession.

Sister Paul of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour RAZAFINDRAMASY
from the community of Saint Pierre Claver – AMBOZONTANY (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11th September 2018
at the age of 80 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Maria of the Holy Spirit GARLAND
from the community of Saint Joseph – Mount Sackville (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 August 2018
at the age of 92 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Gabrielle of the Child Jesus PHILIPPS
from the community of Saint Joseph – CLUNY (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 August 2018
at the age of 103 years, after 82 years of profession.

Sister Eileen Mary of Bethany SHEEHY
from the community of Mary Immaculate Queen CLAYTON (Australia/ PNG)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 July 2018
at the age of 94 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Gertrude of the Blessed Sacrement ETIENNE
from the community of Anne Marie Javouhey PORT-AU-PRINCE (HAITI)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th July 2018
at the age of 92 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Maria Teresa da Sagrada Familia BEZERRA DE SOUSA
from the community of St. Vincent de Paul, LUCÉLIA (Brazil)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 June 2018
at the age of 80 years, after 53 years of profession.

Sister Anne Marie of Bethlehem EGAN
from the community of Mount Sackville (Ireland/Gt Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 June 2018
at the age of 93 years, after 71 years of profession.

Sister Joseph Madeleine of Infant Jesus LINCK
from the community of Anne Marie Javouhey CLUNY (France/ Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17th June 2018
at the age of 98 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Maria dos Anjos MACHADO
from the community of the Holy Family BRAGA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10th June 2018
at the age of 81 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Christilla of the Holy Spirit ROUQUETTE
from the community of THIAIS, (Generalate Group) died in Dijon
whom the Lord called to Himself on 02 June 2018
at the age of 89 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Marie Lucienne of the Secred Heart SIMON
from the community of CLEGUEREC, Ker Levenez (France / Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 May 2018
at the age of 89 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Aimee of Jesus BECERRA IRIARTE
from the community of Magdalene (Peru)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 May 2018
at the age of 99 years, after 76 years of profession.

Sister Rosalie of the Heart of Mary ALVES
from the community of St Teresa – ANADIA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22th May 2018
at the age of 101 years, after 73 years of profession.

Sister Lucia Angela de la Dolorosa LESCANO POLO
from the community of Magdalena - LIMA (Peru)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19th May 2018
at the age of 90 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Marie Paule du Christ MOUTA
from the community of Immaculate Heart of Mary –FATIMA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 April 2018
at the age of 89 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Marguerite Marie of the Divine Heart SHANAGHER
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13th April 2018
at the age of 84 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Marie de Lourdes ROBERT
from the community of LA MONTAGNE (Réunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6th April 2018
at the age of 94 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Rafaëla Maria MARTINS
from the community of VIANA-LUANDA (Angola / Guinea-Bissau)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st April 2018
at the age of 87 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Inès of the Heart of Mary SANTOS
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 March 2018
at the age of 89 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Catherine of the Assumption TEA
from the community of BOFFA, (Guinea-Conakry)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13 March 2018
at the age of 89 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Bernadette Soubirous DUMONT
from the community of ROUEN, Heart of Jesus and Mary (France/Switz.)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 March 2018
at the age of 83 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Jeanne de la Trinité GARDÈRE
from the community of PORT-AU-PRINCE, Anne-Marie Javouhey, (Haïti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 March 2018
at the age of 101 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Angela of the Heart of Jesus CAVEY
from the community of SUVA, Fiji, St.Joseph the Worker (New Zealand//Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st March 2018
at the age of 101 years, after 78 years of profession.

Sister Dominic of the Blessed Virgin (Monica) SHEAHAN
from the community of KILLINEY (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 26th February 2018
at the age of 82 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Hermine of Providence THUMPIAMKUZHYIL
from the community of Karaikal. AMJ (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13th February 2018
at the age of 78 years, after 55 years of profession.

Sister Claire of the angels FERNANDES
from the community of BRAGA, Holy Family (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6th February 2018
at the age of 93 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Adelaide AUGUSTA (Sr Maria Blandina)
from the community of FATIMA (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th February 2018
at the age of 99 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Angelina of St. Joseph PUTHENPURACKAL
from the community of MARTAM, Our Lady of the Presentation (N.E.India/Nepal) whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th February 2018
at the age of 86 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Eveline of St Rosaire CARTER
from the community of BANGALORE, (Southwest India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 03 February, 2018
at the age of 78 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Maria Emilia of the Rosary FERREIRO
from the community of FÁTIMA, Immaculate Heart of Mary Cty (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2 February, 2018
at the age of 80 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Sância of Christ Crucified RODRIGUES
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25th January 2018
at the age of 96 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Anne (Aine) of the Heart of Jesus POWER
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16th January 2018
at the age of 91 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister William of Jesus PILLION
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th January 2018
at the age of 95 years, after 74 years of profession

Sister Angela of Christ the King MORAN
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 04 January, 2018
at the age of 83 years, after 63 years of profession.
-------------------- 2017 --------------------
Sister Gerard Majella of the Sacred Heart ISAAC
from the community of Suva, Fiji (New Zealand/Philippines)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 December, 2017
at the age of 83 years, after 58 years of profession.

Sister Geneviève of St Joseph MALIRAT
from the community of Cluny (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12 December, 2017
at the age of 97 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Emmanuel of the Presentation OUDET
from the community of LIMOUX (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3rd December, 2017
at the age of 84 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Françoise de Ste Marie da SILVA
from the community of THIAIS (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24th November, 2017
at the age of 92 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Christine of Jesus Ali
from the community of AROUCA, Our Lady of Lourdes (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14th November, 2017
at the age of 87 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of Our Lady EDWARDS
from the community of MIDDLETOWN (USA/Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2nd November, 2017
at the age of 101 years, after 78 years of profession.

Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart COYNE
from the community of FERBANE, St. Patrick (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2nd November, 2017
at the age of 96 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Michel of St Joseph PADIYARA
from the community of BOOMINAICKANPATTI, St Joseph (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 2nd November, 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 67 years of profession.

Sister Rose of the Annunciation ROUQUETTE
from the community of RAITEA, Papeete (V. Province of the Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24th October, 2017
at the age of 91 years, after 69 years of profession

Sister Françoise of Mary Immaculate RATIER
from the community of CLÉGUÉREC, Ker Lévénez (France/Suisse)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16th October, 2017
at the age of 86 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Élie of the Immaculate Conception CHEVALIER
from the community of PORT-AU-PRINCE, Anne-Marie Javouhey (Haïti)
whom the Lord called to Himself on16th October, 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Gemma of the Holy Heart of Mary KULAMKUTHAYIL
from the community of Our Lady of the Presentation, BANGALORE, (S.W. India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on15th October, 2017
at the age of 93 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Agnès de Notre-Dame LUTZ
from the community of THIAIS, Val de Marne, (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9th October, 2017
at the age of 94 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Salva of the Child Jesus PONNUSAMY
from the community of Savariarpattanam (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th October, 2017
at the age of 43 years, after 20 years of profession.

Sister Maria de la Paz de San Juan PENALVA BELTRÁ
from the community of POZUELO, Maria Reina de la Paz (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 September 2017
at the age of 80 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Anne Marie of the Assumption RODRIGUEZ
from the community of BELMONT, Port of Spain, Trinidad (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 08 September 2017
at the age of 83 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Maria do Carmo LOPES FERNANDES
from the community of NOGUEIRÓ-BRAGA, Holy Family, (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 08 September 2017
at the age of 79 years, after 50 years of profession.

Sister Marie Lucie de Jésus BAGAFLORE
from the community of LA MONTAGNE, St Joseph (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 06 September 2017
at the age of 91 years, after 64 years of profession.

Sister Myriam of St. Joseph ALUNKAL
from the community of YERCAUD, Holy Family (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 August 2017
at the age of 72 years, after 48 years of profession.

Sister Tarcisius of the Eucharist GNANAPRAGASAM
from the community of YERCAUD, Holy Family (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 05 August 2017
at the age of 73 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Claude of St Joseph GUIAVARC’H
from the community of THIAIS (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 July 2017
at the age of 95 years, after 72 years of profession.

Sister Maria Emiliana of St Joseph OLIVEIRA
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 July 2017
at the age of 87 years, after 59 years of profession.

Sister Laetitia of the Blessed Virgin KUNNEL
of the community of CHANDANNAGAR, Im. C. (North India Plains)
whom the Lord called home to Himself on 30 June 2017
at the age of 92 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Thérésia of the Sacred Heart RASOAZAKANDRAINY
of the community of ANDDOHIBE, Ste. Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called home to Himself on 26 June 2017
at the age of 83 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Angelina of the Holy Face NEVES
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 June 2017
at the age of 89 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Barbara of Mary Immaculate BURKE
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 May 2017
at the age of 93 years, after 66 years of profession.

Sister Angelina Maria de Cristo NOBRE
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 May 2017
at the age of 89 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Madeleine of St John TASSIÉ
from the community of PAPEETE, N.Dame, Tahiti (Pacific)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 May 2017
at the age of de 95 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Maria de la Cruz CHORÉN FERNÁNDEZ
from the community of POZUELO, Mary Queen of Peace (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 May 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Amelia of the Annunciation RAFIDIMANANA
from the community of ANDROHIBE, Ste Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 May 2017,
at the age of 66 years, after 39 years of profession.

Sister John Bosco MADAMBAGATH
from the community of BOOMINAICKANPATTI, St Joseph (South Central India) whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 May 2017
at the age of 88 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Felicidade LÁZARO
from the community of LICHINGA ( Mozambique )
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 April 2017
at the age of 82 years, after 52 years of profession

Sister Marie Francis de Sales KAVIPURAIDATHIL
from the community of BANGALORE, Our Lady of the Presentation (S. West India) whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 April 2017
at the age of 85 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Maria of the Angels FEIJOO SANTOS
from the community of POZUELO, Mary Queen of Peace (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 April 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Eucharia of the Heart of Mary McLOONE
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE, (Ireland/Gt B.)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 April 2017
at the age of 91 years, after 70 years of profession.

Sister Alphonse of the Immaculate Heart CHERUSSERIL
from the community of PONDICHERRY, Holy Family (S.E.India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13 April 2017
at the age of 81 years, after 58 years of profession

Sister Cecília José de Belém ESTEVES
from the community of FATIMA, Immaculate Heart of Mary (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st April 2017
at the age of 85 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Amparo of the Assumption MARTINEZ
from the community of POZUELO, Maria Reine de la Paz (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31 March 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 62 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of the Virgin (Sr Rosaleen) CUMMINS
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 25 March 2017
at the age of 86 years, after 61 years of profession.

Sister Maria da Glória Soares do Menino Jesus PEIXOTO
from the community of SÃO JOSÉ - LUCÉLIA (Brazil)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 March 2017
at the age of 81 years, after 56 years of profession.

Sister Marie Antoinette de la Croix FAURE
from the community of LIMOUX (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 March 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 54 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of Christ ABGRALL
from the community of CLÉGUÉREC, Ker Lévénez (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 March 2017
at the age of 95 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Monique du Divin Maître CHARPENTIER
from the community of CLÉGUÉREC, Ker Lévénez (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 March 2017
at the age of 100 years, after 77 years of profession.

Sister Gerard of the Guardian Angels GROGAN
from the community of Mount Sackville (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 3 March 2017
at the age of 97 years, after 75 years of profession.

Sister Marie Paul of the Cross RASOANANDRASANA
from the community of AMBOSITRA (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 February 2017
at the age of 50 years, after 25 years of profession.

Sister Geneviève of the Good Shepherd JEFFROY
from the community of LIMOUX (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 January 2017
at the age of 97 years, after 74 years of profession.

Sister Ellen of Jesus HOLLAND
from the community of CLAYTON-VICTORIA (Australia)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20 January 2017
at the age of 93 years, after 65 years of profession.

Sister Thérèse du Christ ROSPARS
from the community of LOURDES (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 January 2017
at the age of 93 years, after 69 years of profession.

Sister Mary Rosalie of St Joseph ANTHONY
from the community of PONDICHERRY, St.F.X. (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 17 January 2017
at the age of 70 years, after 46 years of profession.

Sister Eugénia Maria JOSÉ
from the community of LUANDA, Sacred heart of Jesus (Angola/G.Bissau)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 January 2017
at the age of 90 years, after 68 years of profession.

Sister Peter Claver of Jesus BOSSE
from the community of LA MONTAGNE (Reunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 January 2017
at the age of 94 years after 71 years of profession.

Sister Maria Isabel da Eucaristia SERRÃO
from the community of FUNCHAL, Madeira (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 January 2017
at the age of 96 years after 69 years of profession.

Sister Marie-Pierre de Jésus MICHEL
from the community of Lourdes (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 January 2017
at the age of 75 years after 53 years of profession.
-------------------- 2016 --------------------
Sister Dominique of Mary Immaculate PETITPAS
from the community of CLUNY (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 December 2016,
at the age of 95 years after 67 years of profession.

Sister Marie Elisa of Christ the King RAZAFIMAMONJY
from the community of ANDROHIBE, St Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 December 2016,
at the age of 91 years after 68 years of profession.

Sister Regina of the Trinity BRUNELLE
from the community of HAMILTON, Canada (USA/Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 December 2016,
at the age of 83 years after 60 years of profession.

Sister Loyola of Jesus VALLOMKOTT
from the community of BANGALORE, Our Lady of the Presentation (S.W. India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14 December 2016,
at the age of 76 years after 52 years of profession.

Sister Angelina do Calvário NANA
from the community of BAILUNDO (Angola/Guinea Bissau)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 December 2016,
at the age of 73 years after 38 years of profession.

Sister Assunção Inácia XAVIER
from the community of MAPUNDA/LUBANGO (Angola/Guinea Bissau)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8 December 2016,
at the age of 92 years after 68 years of profession.

Sister Claire of the Immaculate ALLARD
from the community of LIMOUX (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22nd November 2016,
at the age of 89 years after 58 years of profession.

Sister Agnes of Jesus REGO
from the community of VIJAYAWADA (South East India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21st November 2016,
at the age of 52 years after 28 years of profession.

Sister Theophane of Christ AMPATTUKUZHI
from the community of the Sacred Heart, YERCAUD (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 12th November 2016,
at the age of 89 years after 65years of profession.

Sister Denise of the Immaculate Conception LETEURE
from the community of CLEGUEREC, Ker Levenez (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27th October 2016,
at the age of 102 years after 72 years of profession.

Sister Suzanne of Calvary RAZANAMAVO
from the community of ANDROHIBE, St Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23rd October 2016,
at the age of 82 years after 55 years of profession.

Sister Félicité of St John SOLENTE
from the community of SAINT JOSEPH, LA MONTAGNE (Reunion)
(died in CHU de BELLEPIERRE)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21st October 2016,
at the age of 95 years after 68 years of profession.

Sister Maria del Pilar GARCÍA RIO
from the community of VIGO, San José (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 13th October 2016,
at the age of 96 years after 78 years of profession.

Sister Maria Indalecta LOPES DOS REIS
from the community of NOGUEIRÒ – BRAGA, Ste Famille (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10th October 2016,
at the age of 63 years after 12 years of profession.

Sister Cyril of the Eucharist PARAMUNDAYIL
from the community of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, KALIMPONG (N.E.India/Nepal),
whom the Lord called to Himself on 4th October 2016,
at the age of 72 years after 47 years of profession.

Sister Cecilia of the Assumption HEALY
from the Community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland and Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 02 octobre 2016
at the age of 85 years, after 63 years of profession.

Sister Paula Catarina da Anunciaçao SANTOS
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 30 September 2016
at the age of 93 years after 71 years of profession.

Sister Rose de Marie Reine de l’Immaculée MARTIN
from the community of CLUNY (France/Suisse)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 September 2016
at the age of 88 years after 63 years of profession.

Sister Calixte of Our lady of Lourdes OZHUKAYIL
from the community of Our Lady of the Presentation, Preethi Sadan, Bangalore, (S.W. India) whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 September 2016
at the age of 69 years after 40 years of profession.

Sister Monique of the Holy Spirit GAUDRY
from the community of St Rédempteur, Briec (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 September 2016
at the age of 68 years after 38 years of profession.

Sister Marie Alice of the Cross ILLIMOOTTIL
from the community of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart - Kalimpong (North India / Nepal) whom the Lord called to Himself on 12 September 2016
at the age of 63 years after 42 years of profession.

Sister Suzie de Gonzague RIVIERE
from the community of Cluny la Montagne (Réunion)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31 August 2016
at the age of 89 years after 64 years of profession.

Sister Maria-José of Christ MEIDEROS
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 August 2016
at the age of 85 years after 59 years of profession.

Sister Françoise de l’Immaculée ROCHETTE
from the community of CLUNY (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 August 2016
at the age of 97 years after 69 years of profession.

Sister Ana Claudina FERREIRA
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 August 2016
at the age of 90 years after 63 years of profession.

Sister Eugénie de Jesus Crucified SANTOS
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7th August 2016
at the age of 87 years after 62 years of profession.

Sister Maria Jacinta do Carmo BUANGA
from the community of LUANDA, Our Lady of Fatima (Angola/Guinea Bissau)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6th August 2016
at the age of 92 years after 70 years of profession.

Sister Maria do Ceu MENDES
from the community of St. Joseph, Hamilton (USA/Canada)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 July 2016
at the age of 72 years after 48 years of profession.

Sister Martha of Bethany SILVA CURRA
from the community of Maria Reina de la Paz, Pozuelo (Spain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 15 July 2016
at the age of 92 years after 67 years of profession.

Sister Jeanne Berchmans of the Cross DIOGO
from the community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th July 2016
at the age of 98 years after 72 years of profession.

Sister Ruth Mary of the Angles MUZAURIETA
from the community of LIMA, Magdalena (Peru/Cuba)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 29 June 2016
at the age of 84 years after 63 years of profession.

Sister Mary of the Blessed Sacrament AMBOOKEN
from the community of KOLKATA, Lavinia House (North India Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 June 2016
at the age of 83 years after 61 years of profession.

Sister Charles of the Child Jesus LE PONTOIS
from the community of CLÉGUÉREC, Ker Lévénez (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 June 2016
at the age of 96 years after 77 years of profession.

Sister Jean Cecilia DEVENISH HUGGINS
from the community of PORT OF SPAIN, St.Anne (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 June 2016
at the age of 83 years after 15 years of profession

Sister Laetitia of the Holy Family RATOVOSON
from the community of ANDROHIBE, Ste Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 21 June 2016
at the age of 84 years after 62 years of profession.

We recommend to your prayers our dear
Sister Marie-Agnès of the Assumption RASOAZANADRAIBE
from the community of ANDROHIBE, Ste Anne (Madagascar)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 19 June 2016
at the age of 66 years after 40 years of profession.

Sister Charlotte of the Infant Jesus – Marie Ange HOARAU
from the community of CLUNY, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6th June, 2016
at the age of 92 years after 71 years of profession.

Sister Solange of the Sacred Heart PARIAT
from the community of CLUNY, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31st May, 2016
at the age of 93 years after 72 years of profession.

Sister Annunciata of Jesus Christ LOURDUSAMY
from the community of BOOMINAICKANPATTI, St. Joseph (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11 May 2016
at the age of 87 years after 57 years of profession.

Sister Sivillia of Jesus MATTATHIL
from the community of CUDDALORE, St. Augustin, (South India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10th May, 2016
at the age of 94 years after 65 years of profession.

Sister Joseph of Mary Immaculate HEILIGENSTEIN
from the community of CLUNY, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 9th May, 2016
at the age of 103 years after 83 years of profession.

Sister Inēs de Jesus Hóstia GOUVEIA
from the community of BRAGA, Sagrada Familia (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 8th May, 2016
at the age of 90 years after 63 years of profession.

Sister Veronica of Christ HARTIGAN
from the community of MOUNT SACKVILLE (Ireland/Great Britain)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7th May 2016,
at the age of 91 years after 70 years of profession.

Sister Agnes d’Assise BARGUIL
from the community of CLÉGUÉREC, Ker Lévénez, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 5th May, 2016
at the age of 92 years after 69 years of profession

Sister Marie Claire d’Assise BESNARD
from the community of CLUNY, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 02 May 2016
at the age of 83 years after 58 years of profession

Sister Myriam of the Heart of Jesus WALSH
from the community of AROUCA, Our Lady of Lourdes, (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1 May 2016
at the age of 88 years after 66 years of profession

Sister Maria-Pia of the Blessed Sacrament VIOLA
from the community of SEZZE ROMANO, Italy (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 April 2016
at the age of 82 years after 59 years of profession

Sister Marie Angéline RIBEIRO
from the community of BRAGA, Ste Famille (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 April 2016
at the age of 92 years after 68 years of profession

Sister Gabriel of the Annunciation ZIPPER
from the community of CLUNY, (France/Suisse)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22 April 2016
at the age of 96 years after 74 years of profession

Sister Marie of Our Lady BIHAN-POUDEC
from the community of CLEGUEREC, Ker Lévénez (France/Suisse)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 16 April 2016
at the age of 85 years after 63 years of profession

Sister Marie of Christ the King LEVASSOR
from the Community of Talavera (Peru)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 14th of April 2016
at the age of 89 years after 65 years of profession

Sister Joyce of St. Joseph PATRA
from the Community of LAGHATA (North Indian Plains)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 11th of April 2016
at the age of 65 years after 32 years of profession.

Sister Augusta of the Resurrection BATISTA
from the Community of TORRES NOVAS (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24th of March 2016
at the age of 93 years after 66 years of profession.

Sister Cécile of St. John BIRRIEN
from the Community of THIAIS – Val de Marne (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 22nd of March 2016
at the age of 104 years after 80 years of profession.

Sister Jean of St. Joseph BUTEL
from the Community of THIAIS – Val de Marne (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 20th of March 2016
at the age of 93 years after 69 years of profession.

Sister Maria da Natividade SOUSA
from the community of Nogueiró – Braga, Ste. Famille (Portugal)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 10th of February 2016
at the age of 93 years after 67 years of profession.

Sister Assumpta of the Divine Heart DORAISAMY
from the community of Salem, St. Anne (South Central India)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 6 of February 2016
at the age of 88 years after 58 years of profession.

Sister Lucia do Rosario DAVID ROSS
from the community of MWanzugi, Tanzania (Seychelles / Tanzania)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 1st of February 2016
at the age of 34 years after 13 years of profession.

Sister Genevieve of the Visitation LIGONDÉ
from the community of Thiais, Val de Marne (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 31 January 2016
at the age of 86 years after 63 years of profession.

Sister Marie Yvonne of the Good Shepherd COUSTANCE
from the community of Ker Lévénez Beauregard, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 28 January 2016
at the age of 92 years after 65 years of profession.

Sister Juliana Maria of the Eucharist FERREIRA
from the community of Lucélia, (Brazil)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 27 January 2016
at the age of 88 years after 59 years of profession.

Sister Françoise of the Angels LE MOGNE
from the community of Cluny, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 24 January 2016
at the age of 109 years after 82 years of profession.

Sister André of Christ MALZAC
from the community of Limoux, (France/Switzerland)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 23 January 2016
at the age of 91 years after 69 years of profession.

Sister Paul of the Holy Angels d’ORNELLAS
from the community of PORT OF SPAIN, St.Anne (West Indies)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 18 January 2016
at the age of 85 years after 61 years of profession.

Sister Lucie of the Child Jesus BARRETO
from the community of THIAIS, Val de Marne (Generalate Group)
whom the Lord called to Himself on 7 January 2016
at the age of 91 years after 70 years of profession.