Consecrated Life : Cluny Sisters
Looking to the past with gratitude, living the present with passion and embracing the future with hope, we are :
... sisters with a missionary call

... rooted in prayer

... gathered together in community

... attentive to the cries of today’s world

... with total availability for the mission

... inserted into the local context

... while remaining open to the world

Throughout the world, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny continue to seek to live according to the spirit of Anne-Marie Javouhey and it is this spirit that keeps them united and dynamic in the service of the universal mission of the Church.

Links :
Pope Francis 2020 : Religious life means seeing what really matters

Prayer for Vocations

GO FORTH ! Remember the beauty of your first call. Jesus continues to call you today with the same full love and untamed grace.
GO FORTH ! There is always more to do, to encounter, to be grateful for, to be astonished by. Begin and end with the joy of prayer—the marrow of consecrated life.
GO FORTH ! Each of us has a role to play in the Church. Witness and sow well each day, and look to tomorrow with hope.
GO FORTH ! Grow in love for God so that others will be attracted by the divine light in you. Welcome the new vocations the Lord sends to continue the work of consecration.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God and first disciple of her son, Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
— Pope Francis
(Adapted from the concluding message of Pope Francis at the close of the Year of Consecrated Life on XX World Day of Consecrated Life. Icon used on prayer card used with permission from Vivian Imbruglia.)