The recent General Chapter called all Cluny Sisters to live more authentically our charism as missionary disciples for a new world. Now, on World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis addresses "all Christians who live out in the Church the adventure of their life as children of God" but especially young people, to ’bring the Gospel to all.’
In the Pope’s message for World Mission Sunday one can hear the echo of our Cluny Missionary Priorities, those being :
- Credible witnesses, rejoice in the Lord
- Missionary disciples, Let us go forth
- Going forward together
An echo of ’Credible witnesses, rejoice in the Lord’
Pope Francis speaks of life itself being a mission, generating an interior force of love. That love both attracts us and sends us. ... "Many men and women, and many young people, have generously sacrificed themselves, even at times to martyrdom, out of love for the Gospel and Service to their brothers and sisters. From the cross of Jesus we learn the divine logic of self-sacrifice (cf. 1 Cor 1:17-25) as a proclamation of the Gospel for the life of the world (cf. Jn 3:16). To be set afire by the love of Christ is to be consumed by that fire, to grow in understanding by its light and to be warmed by its love (cf. 2 Cor 5:14). At the school of the saints, who open us to the vast horizons of God, I invite you never to stop wondering : “What would Christ do if he were in my place ?”

An echo of ’Missionary disciples, let us go forth’
Pope Francis calls us to go forth transmitting the faith to the ends of the earth. "The ends of the earth, dear young people, nowadays are quite relative and always easily “navigable”. The digital world – the social networks that are so pervasive and readily available – dissolves borders, eliminates distances and reduces differences. Everything appears within reach, so close and immediate. And yet lacking the sincere gift of our lives, we could well have countless contacts but never share in a true communion of life. To share in the mission to the ends of the earth demands the gift of oneself in the vocation that God, who has placed us on this earth, chooses to give us (cf. Lk 9:23-25). I dare say that, for a young man or woman who wants to follow Christ, what is most essential is to seek, to discover and to persevere in his or her vocation."

An echo of ’Going forward together’
Pope Francis speaks of the ’we’ of sharing the Good News. We are on the journey together ! ... "To grow in the grace of the faith bestowed on us by the Church’s sacraments plunges us into that great stream of witnesses who, generation after generation, enable the wisdom and experience of older persons to become testimony and encouragement for those looking to the future. And the freshness and enthusiasm of the young makes them a source of support and hope for those nearing the end of their journey. In this blend of different stages in life, the mission of the Church bridges the generations ; our faith in God and our love of neighbor are a source of profound unity."