Website editor
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny
Sr. Clare Stanley, Superior General
21 Rue Méchain 75014 Paris
Tel. : +33 1 47 07 95 72
Design and Development
Design : Mathilde Henry : Web agency accompanies you on the web
Individual company Siret 434 982 450 00034
Spip Development: Reda Aourag
Content Manager Version 3 Spip, free software distributed under the General Public License (GNU GPL or General Public License for English).
Nursit SARL
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing - SIREN 539438432 00012
2 allée du clos des Hydrangeas
59700 Marcq-En-Baroeul
Nursit Nursit is a company with capital of € 10,000
Protection of personal data
Any personal information given will not be transfered to a third party.
You have a right to access, correct and delete data concerning you (articles 27 and 34 of the Act of January 6, 1978 Data Protection).
To do so, please send an e-mail using the contact link at the bottom of each page.
© Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny