Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
          Celebrations in the midst of COVID

Celebrations in the midst of COVID

While the pandemic has kept us all close to home, there have recently been two Cluny celebrations … one in India and the other in the Mother House in Paris, France.

Perpetual Professions

While many places have postponed these ceremonies until public gatherings are possible, one ceremony was held in Pondicherry on 26th May for two sisters from the Province of South East India and two sisters from the Province of South India. Unfortunately, family members were not able to be present.

Congratulations to the following sisters :

Province of South India :
  • Sister Jerin JESUDHASAN
Province of South East India :
  • Sister Akhila Antony IYKARTHIL NIKARTHIL
  • Sister Velangani Rani YELLAPU
Sisters Velangani, Akhila Antony, Judith, and Jerin

Golden Jubilee

Sister Matilde FANECA, 1st Assistant to the Superior General, celebrated her Golden Jubilee of Profession in the Mother House in Paris, France on Sunday, 14th June. We congratulate Sister Matilde and ask for God’s blessings to fill her heart as she continues to faithfully live her YES in response to God’s call.

Sister Matilde

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