Soeurs de Saint-Joseph de Cluny
      Photos of Anne-Marie Javouhey Memorial Days

Photos of Anne-Marie Javouhey Memorial Days

Two days were dedicated to the memory of Anne-Marie Javouhey, founder of the congregation of Saint Joseph of Cluny and of her work in Mana in French Guyana. See Anne Marie Javouhey Memorial Days, 25, 26 and 27 June 2021

Photos of Anne-Marie Javouhey Memorial Days

Jallanges Memorial Forest , 90 school children made masks with materials from Africa and hung them on the trees

Tribute to Anne Marie Javouhey from civil authorities at the Jallanges Memorial Forest

Guided tour of Anne-Marie Javouhey’s family home by Michel Javouhey

Conference by Pascale Cornuel, historian, with Fabien Gaveau, historian, followed by the signing of Pascale Cornuel’s book, "La Sainte Entreprise".

The book: "La Sainte Entreprise"

Chamblanc Memorial Forest

Testimony of a teacher from Anne Marie Javouhey High School at the Chamblanc Memorial Forest

Tributes given at the Chamblanc Memorial Forest

Round table discussion on Saturday evening with several historians: Frédéric Régent, historian and lecturer at the Sorbonne (specialist in the history of slavery), Philippe Pichot (President of the Abolition and Human Rights Route of the Great East), Pascale Conuel, historian, and Emmanuel Gordien, President of the May 23, ’98 March Committee (West Indian Memorial Association whose objective is to : rehabilitate, honour and defend the memory of the victims of colonial slavery) and Virologist

Mass at the church in Seurre

Mass in Seurre, the Offertory

Baptism font in the church in Seurre

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